Recent content by CJ_London

  1. C

    Changing Table Names - what's the impact?

    Autocorrect will also not correct references to tables in an aliased query e.g. select * From (select * from table) as A table will not be corrected
  2. C

    Solved Text Size

    possibly. i have heard of monitors that have 144 pixels per inch and over the years I have used numerous monitors including hi end - all have worked out at 15 pixels per twip. You would have to use the getDC , ReleaseDC and GetDeviceCaps functions to be certain.
  3. C

    Solved Text Size

    As a minutiae of detail, monitors use pixel dimensions which are larger than twips - there are 15 twips to a pixel. so when specifying control location/size, use a twip value that is divisible by 15. Otherwise with rounding you may find on the screen they are out by a pixel. There are 96 pixels...
  4. C

    Solved DCOUNT

    small correction - I was suggesting the format property which will hide the surplus characters. This would be OK if you are not going to add (such as adding sales values) but you don't add averages - or if you do, the result would be meaningless:) Using the format function, converts the value...
  5. C

    Solved GetDependencyInfo method not recognised by access 2016

    you might find reseting oDb on each interation is a factor in your performance Public Function oDB() As DAO.Database If pCurrentDb Is Nothing Then Set pCurrentDb = CurrentDb End If Set oDB = pCurrentDb End Function Not tested, and perhaps you have already tried it but you...
  6. C

    Solved DCOUNT

    Use the format property?
  7. C

    Solved How to create a query that contains all dates?

    Agree that particular value is not indexed as it is effectively a criteria - the field it would be linked to would be (or should be) indexed I have used this method for many years - typically only returning a few hundred records, performance has not been an issue since records are returned as...
  8. C

    Solved How to create a query that contains all dates?

    The counter is just a range of numbers - you can reset the range as required
  9. C

    Solved GetDependencyInfo method not recognised by access 2016

    Perhaps this old thread will help
  10. C

    Multi-frontend performance?

    agree with the comments about locating front ends on the local machine - not only are you bringing across data but also all the forms and other access 'stuff' this suggests to me that your forms are bound to tables for subsequent in-form filtering - you should be using queries with criteria to...
  11. C

    Solved Opening a recordset and filtering it

    I don’t have a problem filtering but I alias the from part of of the sql as I have found the odd issue by not aliasing try sql = "SELECT * " sql = sql & "FROM (SELECT [Field1] AS OrderNo, " sql = sql & "[Field2] AS DrawingNo, " sql = sql & "[Field3] AS ManufacturingNumber " sql =sql & "FROM...
  12. C

    Suffix Help

    choose(num"1st") The previous post was copy paste between code tags, this example is typing between code tags. but once the code window is closed, further edits can only be achieved by copying the code only into a new code window Edit for missing comma and new choice choose(num,"1st","2nd")...
  13. C

    Suffix Help

    choose(num,”1st”,”2nd”,”3rd”,”4th”…..) This is posted in code tags - still retains the smart quotes. perhaps should include a warning
  14. C

    Suffix Help

    That’s the problem when responding via smart phone
  15. C

    Suffix Help

    Or the choose function choose(num,”1st”,”2nd”,”3rd”,”4th”…..)
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