Recent content by CraigDouglas

  1. C

    Filter report with two criteria using combo boxes and button on form.

    Thank you that seems to work. I don't know what I am doing but this is the code I used Private Sub cmdOpenRptCustomerStockMain_Click() Dim sSql As String, sWhere As String sWhere = "1=1" 'the query is built depending on the various filters the user picks... If Not IsNull(cboSubcategory)...
  2. C

    Filter report with two criteria using combo boxes and button on form.

    Please help. I have code that filters my report using the open event of the report but I want to have the code in the button on a form so I don't have to make many reports. The combo boxes are called cboSubcategory and cboCustomer1 the button is called cmdOpenRptCustomerStockMain. I have code...
  3. C

    ifNull textbox OkayCancel Message

    Thank you for your help. The code does work but an error message comes up: Error An Error was encountered Description: No current record No: 3021 I also had to take the Me.refresh out of the one bit of code otherwise the message appears straight after I paste in the CustomerFullName text box...
  4. C

    ifNull textbox OkayCancel Message

    Please can someone help? I have a form frmAddNewCustomer. I have a text box in it called txtCustomerEmail. When the form closes, I want a message to come up if there is no email in the txtCustomerEmail text box. I want to have two options in the msgBox one to cancel the closing of the form if...
  5. C

    Two combo box start month and year and end month and year, to filter a report from a form

    Thank you so much for going out of your way for me. What does the following mean? Expr1 >= '201912' And Expr1 <= '203003' Craig
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    Two combo box start month and year and end month and year, to filter a report from a form

    Hi, arnelgp. I sent you a message asking if you could help with my database. Craig
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    Two combo box start month and year and end month and year, to filter a report from a form

    arnelgp I thank you for the database. I could not get my code to work. Please would you have a look at my database and see if you can get it to work? I used the qryOrderByMonthAndYear to populate my combo boxes. They are on the switchboard form. Under the heading Choose from start month...
  8. C

    Two combo box start month and year and end month and year, to filter a report from a form

    Please, I am trying to get the choices in the combo boxes to work from the first choice to the second choice so if I chose 02 2022 and 05 2022 it will include those months. Craig
  9. C

    Two combo box start month and year and end month and year, to filter a report from a form

    Month year start SELECT DISTINCT qryOrderByMonthAndYear.MonthAndYear FROM qryOrderByMonthAndYear; Month year end SELECT DISTINCT qryOrderByMonthAndYear.MonthAndYear FROM qryOrderByMonthAndYear;
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    Two combo box start month and year and end month and year, to filter a report from a form

    I formatted the date to month and year to get my combo boxes.
  11. C

    Two combo box start month and year and end month and year, to filter a report from a form

    Hi, please help if you can. I have a form frmSwitchBoard on it I have two combo boxes cboMonthYearStart and the other cboMonthYearEnd. I have a button that opens up a report rptOrderFromStartMonthYearToEndMonthYear and I want it to filter the start month and year chosen in the first combo box to...
  12. C

    Text Message in Mainform when you click in subform field

    Thank you so much, Gasman. It worked. I am very grateful. The box is big enough. Craig
  13. C

    Text Message in Mainform when you click in subform field

    Please help. I have a form called frmPurchaseForm and in it is a subform called frmPurchaseDetailSubform. In the frmPurchaseForm I have a label called lblInfo and in the frmPurchaseDetailSubform I have a combo box called cboProduct. In cboProduct I am trying to put the right code in the On...
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