Recent content by Design by Sue

  1. D

    Keeping track of timing

    Thank you - I will be working on this again Wednesday and will look at this closely! Really appreciate the help
  2. D

    Data mismatch

    I am not on the system right now but will check this to be sure - I think decimal is left blank..but I could be wrong
  3. D

    Data mismatch

    The value us only 40 so I doubt that is the problem... thanks for the explanation of display purposes vs storage!
  4. D

    Keeping track of timing

    That is what I am thinking of doing - thank you
  5. D

    Data mismatch

    My table has a field that is a number (long integer) and I am trying to update the field from a form. On the form I have my text box set as Format:General Number. What I am missing here because I get an error message 3464 Data Mismatch? What should have the form control set to to clear this...
  6. D

    Keeping track of timing

    Great info here! Thanks all - I am sure based on the replies that I can do what I need
  7. D

    Keeping track of timing

    So if I understand you correctly have the table as a number but for the field on the form allow the user to enter hours:minutes and have code to convert it to minutes for entry in the table. That sounds good to me
  8. D

    Keeping track of timing

    The info is coming from an internal company form - I already discussed this method with the user and it is not practical for use in this situation. The time keeping is done at the class level and the teachers are not the one's entering the info. This method makes sense for the way the company...
  9. D

    Keeping track of timing

    Wasn't really considering text ... it is just one of the available options and I did see a post somewhere that thought this was a good idea. Again appreciate the input
  10. D

    Keeping track of timing

    Wow that was quick - thank you. I am thinking that I would, rather than an input mask, set the perimeters (sorry if that is the wrong word) for the field on the form - and limit it there to how I need it to appear.
  11. D

    Keeping track of timing

    I am setting up a table to keep track of the time it takes to complete a training course. One of the fields needs to be the time it took to complete the course in minutes. What is suggested as the best field type for this? Number, text....? The field will be used in the future to produce...
  12. D

    Updating table based on main form and combo box on subform

    Thank you all that helped - I got this working!
  13. D

    Close and reopen form to specific record

    Gasman - thanks - as I have explained in previous posts it has been a long time since I worked with access - it is only slowly coming back. Thanks all for your help
  14. D

    Close and reopen form to specific record

    DUH - Thanks for you help - I needed refresh not requery.
  15. D

    Close and reopen form to specific record

    Meanwhile, MajP the field is text but when I change dim ID as long to text I get "User defined type not defined"
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