Recent content by Edgar_

  1. E

    Problem closing a form

    It needs the query because your CreateQry routine assigns the result as SourceObject for the subform. I think most Access developers would agree that it's better to just create a form that shows all the records of this SELECT statement: SELECT...
  2. E

    Solved Is there another way?

    Technically, the focus is set to the control regardless, you just can't see it because the subform has no focus yet. However, it's true that in most scenarios, simply setting the focus to the control won't immediately allow you to work with the recently focused control. So, I stand corrected...
  3. E

    Solved Is there another way?

    You don't need to set focus to the subform first, like you seem to be trying to do here: [Forms]![PatientAdmitanceF].[PatientNotesSF].SetFocus [Forms]![PatientAdmitanceF].[PatientNotesSF].[Form].[Pnote].SetFocus You can simply use the second line...
  4. E

    Premature Declaration

    We should all agree that overpowered procedures are the heralds of inferno, only Satan thrives within them.
  5. E

    Web Based Multi-User Interface: Not a new subject.

    For web development, choose a stack and a database. So ask the GPT this: 1. I come from ms access, show me some frontend/backend stacks to start with web development Regenerate the answer multiple times. You will notice a pattern that will help you see what is the most used out there. Then, to...
  6. E

    Premature Declaration

    This ☝️ I used to write them all at the top because that's what most people did. Then I went to .NET and I enjoyed declaring and initializing at the same time, so I started doing it in VBA. However, I follow some rules as much as I can: - It depends on the length of the initialization, but if...
  7. E

    Solved Scraping a table from Website

    I think what we're experiencing with PFG is a good example of the Golden Hammer analogy. They want to do everything with a tool that might be limited for that, or might introduce additional hassle. I've used Power Query - another Power Whatever Tool - for HTTP and while I do get some results...
  8. E

    AUG Latinoamérica "Manipular JSON en Access"

    It will be ready soon, just give me some more time 🤏 Thanks a lot!
  9. E

    AUG Latinoamérica "Manipular JSON en Access"

    Thanks, John, you guys helped me a lot. I'll be uploading the talk with some postprodution in the following days.
  10. E

    AUG Latinoamérica "Manipular JSON en Access"

    La reunión está por comenzar, los espero ahí, muchas gracias! Link de zoom:
  11. E

    AUG Latinoamérica "Manipular JSON en Access"

    Thank you all for the encouragement, tips and the help. I really appreciate it. I hope not to stutter too much ;)
  12. E

    AUG Latinoamérica "Manipular JSON en Access"

    Done. Thanks for spotting that, Colin. Hope it's done in real time, if not, I will add the subtitles myself once it's ready.
  13. E

    AUG Latinoamérica "Manipular JSON en Access"

    English version included below. Buen día a todos. El capítulo de Latinoamérica en Access User Groups se reactiva para la comunidad de desarrolladores de MS Access de habla hispana en la región latinoamericana. La reanudación se llevará a cabo el día 25 de abril, a las 9:00 pm, Ciudad de...
  14. E

    How to understand the DB Concepts in VB.Net? (VSTO)

    OP, you're trying to drive a tank to the lake to attempt to catch a fish with a 20m x 20m fishnet. You would ease a lot of the pain by letting Access do the Recordset stuff and letting Word do the reporting. Use a Word template and populate it using the Find & Replace method (not the bookmarks...
  15. E

    How would you change this design to more visually appealing to users?

    You can use this forum's default color palette. You could also make your font sizes and text alignment more consistent, it's all over the place in the top/bottom part, headers are too small, records would look nicer if they had some padding, etc.
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