Recent content by George-Bowyer

  1. G

    Can't change form names or copy and paste forms

    I have a FE/BE database that I have been using for many years and every now and then (usually before a new edit) I create dated backup copies that just live in a folder. I am trying to do a new edit of the FE but for some reason I am not able to rename or copy and paste some forms. If I right...
  2. G

    Hide field on report

    Thank you. I have used a tempvar.
  3. G

    Hide field on report

    Actually you're right - except when you're not. Different defaults on the different forms :unsure:
  4. G

    Hide field on report

    Yep. That worked. Thanks. Reminded me that I'd already done something similar with something else.
  5. G

    Hide field on report

    I have another problem. I have set the conditional formatting set to print the fldemail field white on white if chkWithholdEmail on the form is set to true. Condition is "Forms![NavigationForm]![NavigationSubform].Form![chkWithholdEmail]=True" This works ok. However, I now want to open a...
  6. G

    Hide field on report

    Thanks both. I have gone with the conditional format turning the text white (as that was suggested first) and that has done the job. Many thanks. George
  7. G

    Hide field on report

    Hello, I have a report that generates a "Club Directory", with a page for every club showing the contact details of each officer. They now want to be able to produce a version with no email addresses given. Obviously I can do this by producing a second version of the report with the email...
  8. G

    Solved Alternate to Attachments MVF?

    Hi, Do you know if this is "open source"? Can I use the code in a db I'm building for my work? Thanks, George
  9. G

    Applying Filter causes odd runtime error

    The code says "If Not DCount("*", "tblmarkedpeople", "fldPeopleID = " & PeopleID & " AND fldUserID = " & intUser1) = 0 Then" So the "what" is supposed to be [PeopleID] When you open the form it finds [PeopleID] fine. When you apply the filter, it can't find it for some reason, hence the blank.
  10. G

    Applying Filter causes odd runtime error

    I tried that first. and it didn't work - which is why I went down the Detail_Paint option. However, I tried it again, just now, so that I could be absolutely sure that it didn't work - and it did 😵 For completeness, I'd still like to know how to resolve the other method, though...
  11. G

    Applying Filter causes odd runtime error

    I have a db where Users can Mark contacts for later reference by clicking a chkMark checkbox on the frmContacts (and in various other ways). When the checkbox is ticked it creates a new unique dual key record in tblMarkedPeople with fldPeopleID and fldUserID. When the checkbox is unchecked...
  12. G

    Code compilation problem

    Wow. Thanks for the detailed reply. I can't answer your questions. As i think I mentioned above, I don't really understand what the code does or why I put it into my module. I'm pretty sure it was one of those cases where I had a problem on here (or a forum like this) and someone gave me an...
  13. G

    Code compilation problem

    I have changed LONGLONG to myLONGLONG. This seems to have cleared the compile issue. Thanks to all and MajP.
  14. G

    Code compilation problem

    Hmm. Sorry, I'm not sure that I understand your notation. Do the ellipses mean that I put everything else in exactly as it was before? Where does the bit with the hashtags go (hashtags are new to me in access VBA, except in the context of dates)? The annoying thing is I'm not even sure why I...
  15. G

    Code compilation problem

    Hi, I have the following function in my "General" Module (It's not code that I wrote myself - and I can't even remember where I got it from). On my laptop, using Office365, it compiles fine when I click debug on the module. However, on my client's system the line <<Dim LongLong As...
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