Recent content by Jon

  1. Jon


    Is that in Trump's handwriting? If so, where does it say these documents are for hush money payments? When it comes to the bookkeeping entry, has anyone actually said what classification is should be under, if it is not legal expenses? Where is the actual evidence that says Trump asked his...
  2. Jon

    Hello from Vietnam!

    Welcome to Access World! We're so happy to have you join us as a member of our community. As the most active Microsoft Access discussion forum on the internet, with posts dating back more than 20 years, we have a wealth of knowledge and experience to share with you. We're a friendly and helpful...
  3. Jon


    I don't think what Trump actually did matters at all. If you have 12 angry democrats who get a once in a lifetime opportunity to convict Trump, they will jump at it. Just look at the January 6th property break-in. They escalate that to an insurrection. Really quite ludicrous. And then they say...
  4. Jon


    Trump goes out to buy a nice suit so he looks presentable and influences voter perception. Is that trying to influence an election and so a campaign violation because you did not record that expense?
  5. Jon


    Legal expensive is a generic umbrella term, just like admin. If your lawyer is setting up a company for you, then do you have to put in "setting up company" or legal expense? Taking care of an NDA is surely a legal expense. But despite all this, there is nothing except the word of Cohen to say...
  6. Jon


    Soon, maybe a week or two? And yes, he can still run. The question remains how it will affect voters in the swing states: positive or negative.
  7. Jon


    Trump has raised $34.8 million in the six hours after a guity verdict, shattering fundraising records.
  8. Jon


    Ethics are there to ensure civilised society. Short term gains by unethical behaviour can boomerang. Look at Merchan's unethical Biden donation, where he was cautioned. He could not contain his bias and so acted unethically. A leopard doesn't change his spots and this bias continued into the...
  9. Jon


    It is difficult because you are damned if you do, or damned if you don't. If you also play unfair, you contribute to the demise of sanity and established legal protocol. If you don't, you can end up on the losing side while the democrats cheat the system. Ultimately, the democrats are bringing...
  10. Jon

    Trump Indictment

    The judge could limit him to home arrest or even to staying in NY state. Then he can't go around the country to campaign. And the democrats harp on about how HE is the threat to democracy. Delusional and a pack of lies.
  11. Jon


    How does it even influence an election? They are private accounting records.
  12. Jon


    They are making it up as they go along. Do you believe that you need consensus to convict someone of a specific crime, or do you think it would be ok to say, "Here are 100 crimes. If you think the defendent broke any of them, then you are unanimous"? Would it be ok to take someone to court and...
  13. Jon


    You don't even need to know any of the details to see what is going on. The timing of all these cases tells you everything you need to know.
  14. Jon


    The defense got 200,000 pages of evidence dumped just weeks before the start of the trial. That is not well in advance and it wasn't excluded. So based on your excluded comment, it would suggest you consider this to be against protocol. Source...
  15. Jon


    It seems to me that the expired misdemeanour was manipulated to a felony by saying it was done in furtherance to another crime, but they don't specify which crime. They give three. Have you ever heard of a case where a jury doesn't have to all agree on which crime was commited? A pick and mix...
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