Recent content by soumelaki

  1. soumelaki

    Newbie here! Some criteria to see last Record on my report?

    Thank you very much. now i can make it more clear!
  2. soumelaki

    Newbie here! Some criteria to see last Record on my report?

    Thank you. I’ll try it 🙂
  3. soumelaki

    Newbie here! Some criteria to see last Record on my report?

    What is VBA? How can I find this in my access ?
  4. soumelaki

    Newbie here! Some criteria to see last Record on my report?

    Yes I made the button for test. Sure the name will be “Print Report”. But first I have to learn how to create this macro and “build event”
  5. soumelaki

    Newbie here! Some criteria to see last Record on my report?

    Ok thank you for reply!
  6. soumelaki

    Newbie here! Some criteria to see last Record on my report?

    can i make it here ? @June7
  7. soumelaki

    Newbie here! Some criteria to see last Record on my report?

    If this cant work! I thought i would try to make a button that prints the curent form with my record!
  8. soumelaki

    Newbie here! Some criteria to see last Record on my report?

    Ok but i dont know nothing of this. I dont know hoe to make macro or VBA. But thank you for reply!!
  9. soumelaki

    Newbie here! Some criteria to see last Record on my report?

    This is where i made the key! I have 3 buttons in my form. 1. Is for the new record 2. Is for save the record that i created now 3. is for printing the report
  10. soumelaki

    Newbie here! Some criteria to see last Record on my report?

    can you please help me where is the VBA ? where can copy this (DoCmd.OpenReport "report name here", acViewPreview, , "ID=" & Me.ID) ?
  11. soumelaki

    Newbie here! Some criteria to see last Record on my report?

    Hello Im a new access programmer. All i knew is from Youtube and many posts here. I have a database. I created a table a form and a report. I created a button in my form to print the report i created. But when i press the button the report that shows me is all the records. Is there any...
  12. soumelaki

    Hello Access World!

    Hello Access World Fans Im new in Access! I read many posts here so i decided to be a part of this Access World! Happy to see new updates and result As i said im a newbie so i may need some help here Thanks you!
  13. soumelaki

    Newbie :)

    Newbie :)
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