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  1. B

    SQL Query Challenge: Finding the Latest Records

    I'm working on a SQL query for a database containing records of customer transactions. Each transaction has a transaction_id, customer_id, transaction_date, and amount. I need to find the latest transaction for each customer. Here's a simplified version of the table: CREATE TABLE transactions...
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    Web Development Data Processing: Merging and Displaying Lists in Python

    In a web development project, I'm dealing with two lists of data that need to be merged and displayed on a webpage. One list contains user comments, and the other list contains system-generated messages. I need to merge these two lists while preserving the order of messages and displaying them...
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    Python Decorators: Custom Logging for Function Calls

    I'm working on a Python project where I have multiple functions, and I want to log each function call along with its arguments and return value for debugging purposes. I've heard that decorators can help achieve this. Could someone guide me on how to create a custom decorator for logging...
  4. B

    partial dependency plot using the pdp package

    I use the pdp package to execute partial dependence for linear regression, and it works flawlessly without any warnings. However, when I switch to the classification(logistic) label for xgboost. I received partial dependence warning messages stating that the partial reliance is based on linear...
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    Adding many Python files and directories to a single dmg file

    How can I make a single dmg file out of many Python files in different folders? I know that's doable for a single file, but how can I do it for several? I can make a dmg for a file but not for numerous files in several directories.
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    Data Structures, Linear and Non-Linear

    I am familiar with the idea of linearity in data structures. But I'm curious about which data structures are linear and which are non-linear. Can someone provide a list of both types of data structures that we often utilize? My source of knowledge is Scaler Academy and GFG. Could someone please...
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    Is the.NET LinkedList a circular linked list?

    I'm looking for a circular linked list and was wondering whether LinkedList is one.
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