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  1. S

    How to go to next unlocked record

    Hi, I have implemented an editable multi-user database which has no additions/deletions to it. It has a form based off a query.That form has a button NextToDo. On clicking this button, a macro starts which runs a requery as the first step and gotoRecord Next as the second step. Problem is many...
  2. S

    Excluding a field from the second table in a join

    Hello, I have 2 tables. 1) Table A, which is a table of all 100,000 users 2) Table B, which is a table of all other users I have a query qryA, which looks for everyone in table A with a certain type of job title. I want to exclude anyone who works for a company that occurs in the table B...
  3. S

    Checking for renewals

    Hello, The general layout is, premCust contains a customer's information, which is tied to premInvoice, which lists all the invoices, which ties to premInvoiceLines, which is all the items in the invoice that the customer ordered. In premInvoiceLines is a field called ExpDate, which indicates...
  4. S

    Compact and repair messes with user access

    Hello, I am trying to do a compact and repair on my database but when I do that I find that my database which is on the server is not recognized by the 9 other client machines. My shortcut which uses a workgroup file is on each machine and was working fine until yesterday. Once I perform a...
  5. S

    Union query to remove duplicates

    Hi all, I have created an ExecutiveList table with 2 years of data 2003 and 2004. But about 50% of them are duplicates. So I created 2 Find duplicate queries: 1) SELECT ExecutiveList.Name, ExecutiveList.ExecID, ExecutiveList.Title, ExecutiveList.Company, ExecutiveList.Address1...
  6. S

    Re-structuring auto-numbers

    Hi all, I have deleted some records to clean up data, so the auto-number has got messed up. Can anyone suggest ways to straighten the issue so that the auto-numbering gets continous again? The field CompID which was autonumbered was the primary key of the table and foreign key of the other...
  7. S

    Getting rid of auto-numbering

    Hi guys, I have 2 tables, Companies and Executives. 1 Company has many Executives (Relationship 1 - many) CompID is PK in Company and FK in Executives. ExecID is PK in Executives. I have 2 years of data 2003 and 2004. I need to merge the two years. I want to get rid of auto-numbered...
  8. S

    Deleting old entries using date funtion

    Hello, I have generated the duplicate Executives from a query using the following code: SELECT [Companies and Executives with Proxy Date Query].[Name], [Companies and Executives with Proxy Date Query].[ExecID], [Companies and Executives with Proxy Date Query].[Title], [Companies and...
  9. S

    Deleting records from one table based on another table

    Hi folks, I have 2 tables - Companies and Executives. I have CompID as PK in Companies and FK in Executives. I have ExecID as PK in Executives. I want to delete all the companies that do not have an executive in them. Please advise how do I write the query to achieve this. Thanks, Sudhir.
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