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    Hi there, I am a Database Administrator for a Cement Production company in Nigeria and have recently needed to rebuild our Report database which was done in Access. Usually when users do an update, the date and time that is done shows, and they are not necessarily required to update all the...
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    Hi, just a quick one, I actually thought about this and want to ask if this is a possibility, integrating a two-factor verification on MS Access Login Form. I have an application with multiple users, some times, it is discovered that some users spy on others' User credentials and they use them...
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    MS Access: Hiding liked table information from power query or other external data fetching tool without authorization

    Hi Guys, Hope we are all keeping safe.....;) I discovered a major problem with my Access Application and I have been trying to fix it, anyone with tips, will really appreciate it. I have an access application running from a server with the FE distributed on users table. One very important...
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    Good Morning Guys, I am actually stocked here, I have a form developed in PHP with HTML script. The same form, on submit, values are validated before it proceeds to the SQL Database. The issue now is that, when I submit the form, the fields value get displayed in the address bar after passing...
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    Query to Collect Items from a Table In Priority Categorization

    Hey Guys, I have a new challenge here. I actually have a table with list of items to be sold, but meant to be sold on priority i.e. a particular one must be exhausted before the next is visible for selection. This will mean to indicate a priority (a), (b), (c) etc. in a query. Now how do I...
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    Please who can help me with a means of retrieving my access BE password. I will appreciate any support
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    ERROR WITH MY PHPCODE filtervalues loop

    Hi, Really would appreciate your support here. I have a project, part of the module in this is to build html form tied to sql database where values can be filter. I am trying to use the php script to get this done. But I have a challenge as some sort of error keep coming up. Code as below...
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    The Use of IIF Statement with Multiple Conditions

    Hi Guys, I am presently working on an application and forms have been developed to handle data entry for the individual users. But there is a need to track a field, which should be disabled for users and get the information entered based on what the users populate in two related fields. For...
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    Software Development

    Please, I just need some clarification, I developed a program for my company and a branch of that company is located about 600km away from me. I thought of giving someone a Super User ID to do almost all the required activity I should do, but cannot access the script. But very recently, I see...
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    Mobile Application Development With Login restrictions based on user Level.

    Hello Guys, Happy New Year to all. I need a few suggestion and guidelines as per Mobile Application Development. I want to develop a Mobile Application that will be shared for Installation to perform certain Organizational task. I am quite new to this type of project, in fact I have not done...
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    Hi guys, Please I am faced with a little challenge in my Database especially from the Users Interface. I have a form with few fields. One of those fields is a drop-down. The drop down does not allow users to type anything. You can only select from the drop down list from the combo box. But I...
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    How do you do guys! I am probably not getting something right or possibly something is screwed up with my Database. The size of my current database has grown to 179MB. I usually use the access compact and repair tool to run a kind of checks and fix problems if any. The database is actually split...
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    Unauthorized Access into the Database Using the Excel Power Query

    Hi Guys, I probably would't be the first person to notice this, it actually calls my curiosity, so I tried it and it worked. I developed Access Database with all the required security settings, both for the Front End (FE) and the Back End (BE). The users are all required to Login, before any...
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    Hi, I have a project currently in my hand. Two variables are to be checked with If Statements. If the first set of conditions are true, then the code should stop executing, if the first condition is true, then it should proceed to check the second condition. If the second condition is verified...
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    Question Validating a field based on the selection of another field. Record validation

    Hey Guys, Kindly throw in your contributions please. I will appreciate being assisted. I have a table with about 7 fields. Two of these fields are important, PROCESS & CONFIRMATION fields. I need to force users to enter RECEIVED in the CONFIRMATION field, before they can change the PROCESS...
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    Linking two backends together

    Hi, Kindly help with this; I want to link a backend BE to another backend BE and make a single frontend FE interact with these backends BE. Is this possible? if yes, how do I start. This is required because I want to separate a large data (repository) from the others, however, the data I...
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    Question Validating a field based on the selection of another field

    Hello!, I am Michael. I will appreciate getting assisted in figuring this out. I have a form with two Combo boxes, both are dependent. Now what I want to achieve is, Example, in Combo Box A TYPE, I have options like HP, Lenovo, Dell etc, and Combo box B, I have options like YEAR: Released...
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    Billing ethics for managing access database

    Dear all, I will appreciate having response to this question as it bothers my Office and work. I am with a Company that needed a database to be running on server for not less than about 20 users. This has been implemented, the company want me to remain and manage this. This cannot be done...
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    Hello all, I am Michael, from Nigeria, presently I am developer in Microsoft Access and Python, with some knowledge of HTML. I love reading and music, as hobbies I am happy to be here, and I trust we will have great time together. Many thanks Michael
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