Solved Buttons color (1 Viewer)


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 05:49
Jan 14, 2019
Hello. I have a problem with the layout of the buttons. The fact is that I want to put the default by the Access theme through VBA (background color Emphasis 1, Lighter 40%, and text color Text 1, Lighter 25%). I attach a screenshot of the one I want to put. If I put the blue that it tells me, it comes out darker than it should. There must be some property that I don't know that establishes all that without having to enter background color, relief, text color... Let's see if someone can guide me. Thank you so much.


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..forever waiting... waiting for jellybean!
Local time
Today, 11:49
May 7, 2009
color values are Long integer.
so on the Load event of your sample form, save the color of the "blue" object.
to test:

private sub form_load()
msgbox me.theObject.BackColor
end sub

the number will ne shown in msgbox.


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 05:49
Jan 14, 2019
Thank you very much for your input. Seeing what you propose, it occurred to me to list all the button properties, and paste them into the procedure I use to set the layout, but it doesn't work: it changes the layout, yes, but not to the one I want. There must be some property that is passed to use. Then, I've tried to tag the buttons: there's one that has images that I don't want to touch (I've named them "Images" in the tag property); and the rest, when the checkbox is at -1 I pass it to the "UseTheme" tag, and when it is at 0, "NoUseTheme". I have verified that it takes the tag property well, and it works only halfway, because when it has to apply the format to it when it is at -1, it is as if it kept the old format. Therefore, I wanted to ask if there is a way to delete or copy the format from one Button to another, via VBA.


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 05:49
Jan 14, 2019
In the end I saved it in another way:

With this function, I set the Tag property, where I say which ones will be custom formatted and which ones won't.

Sub AsignarEtiquetaUsarTema(FName As Form)
    On Error GoTo err_lbl
    Dim Control As Access.Control
    Dim UsarTema As Boolean
    UsarTema = DLookup("UsarTema", "T00Configuracion")
    For Each Control In FName.Controls
        If Not Control.Tag = "Imagen" Then
            If UsarTema = False Then
                If Control.controlType = acCommandButton Then Control.Tag = "NoUsarTema"
                If Control.controlType = acToggleButton Then Control.Tag = "NoUsarTema"
                If Control.controlType = acCommandButton Then Control.Tag = "UsarTema"
                If Control.controlType = acToggleButton Then Control.Tag = "UsarTema"
            End If
        End If
    Set Control = Nothing
    Exit Sub
    Select Case Err.Number
        Case 438, 2462
            Resume Next
        Case Else
            MsgBox "Ha ocurrido el siguiente error" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & _
                   "Número de error: " & Err.Number & vbCrLf & _
                   "Origen del error: AsignarEtiquetaUsarTema_mdlConfiguracion" & vbCrLf & _
                   "Descripción del error: " & Err.Description & _
                   Switch(Erl = 0, "", Erl <> 0, vbCrLf & "Nº de línea: " & Erl) _
                   , vbInformation, NombreBD
            Resume Salida
    End Select
End Sub

Then I have a procedure for formatting, which is long to put here, but what I've done is add this:

    Dim ColorFondoBotonesRed As Double
    Dim ColorFondoBotonesGreen As Double
    Dim ColorFondoBotonesBlue As Double
    Dim ColorTextoBotonesRed As Double
    Dim ColorTextoBotonesGreen As Double
    Dim ColorTextoBotonesBlue As Double
    ColorFondoBotonesRed = DLookup("ColorFondoBotonesRed", "T00Configuracion")
    ColorFondoBotonesGreen = DLookup("ColorFondoBotonesGreen", "T00Configuracion")
    ColorFondoBotonesBlue = DLookup("ColorFondoBotonesBlue", "T00Configuracion")
    ColorTextoBotonesRed = DLookup("ColorTextoBotonesRed", "T00Configuracion")
    ColorTextoBotonesGreen = DLookup("ColorTextoBotonesGreen", "T00Configuracion")
    ColorTextoBotonesBlue = DLookup("ColorTextoBotonesBlue", "T00Configuracion")
    Dim Control As Access.Control
    For Each Control In FName.Controls
    Select Case Control.controlType
        Case acLabel
            If Control.Tag = "Titulo" Then
                Control.BackColor = RGB(ColorFondoTituloRed, ColorFondoTituloGreen, ColorFondoTituloBlue)
                Control.BackStyle = 1
                Control.ForeColor = RGB(ColorTextoTituloRed, ColorTextoTituloGreen, ColorTextoTituloBlue)
                Control.FontName = "Montserrat"
                Control.FontSize = 20
                Control.TextAlign = 2
                Control.FontBold = True
            ElseIf Control.Tag = "Subtitulo1" Then
                Control.BackColor = RGB(ColorFondoTituloRed, ColorFondoTituloGreen, ColorFondoTituloBlue)
                Control.BackStyle = 1
                Control.ForeColor = RGB(ColorTextoTituloRed, ColorTextoTituloGreen, ColorTextoTituloBlue)
                Control.FontName = "Montserrat"
                Control.FontSize = 14
                Control.FontBold = True
            ElseIf Control.Tag = "Subtitulo2" Then
                Control.ForeColor = RGB(255, 255, 255)
                Control.ForeColor = RGB(ColorTextoRed, ColorTextoGreen, ColorTextoBlue)
            End If
        Case acCommandButton, acToggleButton
            Select Case Control.Tag
                Case "NoUsarTema"
                    Control.UseTheme = True
                    Control.BackColor = RGB(ColorFondoBotonesRed, ColorFondoBotonesGreen, ColorFondoBotonesBlue)
                    Control.BorderColor = RGB(ColorFondoBotonesRed, ColorFondoBotonesGreen, ColorFondoBotonesBlue)
                    Control.ForeColor = RGB(ColorTextoBotonesRed, ColorTextoBotonesGreen, ColorTextoBotonesBlue)
                    Control.FontBold = True
                    Control.HoverColor = Control.BackColor
                    Control.PressedColor = Control.BackColor
                    Control.HoverForeColor = Control.ForeColor
                    Control.PressedForeColor = Control.ForeColor
            End Select
    End Select
    Next Control
    Set Control = Nothing

And finally, add another procedure that, when the custom theme needs to be used, opens all the forms and applies the default theme.

Sub UsarTema()
    On Error GoTo err_lbl
    Dim strForm As String, DB As DAO.Database
    Dim doc As DAO.Document
    Dim f As Object
    Set DB = CurrentDb
    For Each doc In DB.Containers("Forms").Documents
    strForm = doc.Name
    If Not strForm = "F00Wait" Then
    DoCmd.OpenForm strForm, acDesign, , , , acHidden
    Set f = Access.Forms(doc.Name)
       Forms(doc.Name).ShortcutMenuBar = ""
       Dim ctl As Control
       For Each ctl In f
               If ctl.controlType = acCommandButton Then
                   If ctl.UseTheme = False Then
                       ctl.UseTheme = True
                       ctl.HoverColor = ctl.BackColor
                       ctl.PressedColor = ctl.BackColor
                       ctl.HoverForeColor = ctl.ForeColor
                       ctl.PressedForeColor = ctl.ForeColor
                       ctl.HoverColor = ctl.BackColor
                       ctl.PressedColor = ctl.BackColor
                       ctl.HoverForeColor = ctl.ForeColor
                       ctl.PressedForeColor = ctl.ForeColor
                   End If
               End If
       Next ctl
       Set ctl = Nothing
       DoCmd.Close acForm, strForm, acSaveYes
    End If
    Next doc
    Set doc = Nothing
    Set DB = Nothing
    Exit Sub
    MsgBox "UsarTema_Click: " & Err.Number & " " & Err.Description, vbInformation, NombreBD
    Resume Salida
End Sub

The only thing is to call the functions in the click event of the checkbox, with a Me.Requery when using a custom style to apply it; and in the Form_Current event, so that it loads it when starting the form.

The only thing I don't like about this system is that the form's property sheet is intuited, but hey, what can we do?

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