Denver Colorado - MS Access Program Manager at Microsoft (1 Viewer)


Nothing In Moderation
Local time
Today, 14:15
Oct 22, 2009
Search DAAUG
Just learned about this today. What is in store for MSAccess?
Thought I would share.

Join us on March 14th with our guest Michal Bar, Microsoft Access Program Manager at Microsoft! Learn about the future of Access, see demos on new features the Access team has worked on and get answers to the pressing questions of our beloved Access program.
  • Is Access going away?
  • Is VBA going away?
  • What computer language is Access built on?
  • What new features has the Access team working on?
  • How can users provide feedback?
These and many more questions will be answered during this historic event for SQL Server with Access @ AccessUserGroups
register today and join us March 14th, at 5.30PM MT! Don’t miss it!
MT is Rocky Mountain Time zone.

Join us online, here is the Skype link:
Join Skype Meeting
To join by Phone:
Toll number: +1 (872) 703-5321
Conference ID: 8028922


Nothing In Moderation
Local time
Today, 14:15
Oct 22, 2009
tried to join, the conference number was dead.
The Skype for Business to click on for my Windows 10 Pro wouldn't work at all. Sorry I missed it. These were a couple of historical stories. When this episode shows up, I will provide the Movie Critic short version.

I come from a POV of writing SQL Server (sp or 'efficient' nested views) for back end, MS Access for client (with heavy VBA), and Excel (object model programming with VBA in MSAccess) for reports. My favorite is to use Citrix so nothing needs to be installed on the client.
A well designed Access running on Citrix with SQL Server back end can easily support 255 users or even a 1,000.
There was not much on this site that was absolutely new regarding the future of MS Access. But, MS is about big business, not small business.
Maybe in 2017, MS gets it? I personally hope so, but have to be a skeptic.

However, this is the overview at this site for those of you who might not have time to listen.

Searched more for past events.
This is older December 2016. Jump to the 18 minute mark. They claim MS actually reads comments. They claim the VDF files are returning thanks to comments.

20 Min mark Access Web Apps are going away.
21 Min Now MS wants us to use Power Apps. Another Power BI.
26 Min - its designed for non-programmers
43 Min - first Access question "what about Access are you actually excited about?" Basically, they fixed some bugs.

Introduction to Access with SQL Server - Jan 2017
06 Min Misconception - its easy, its just a matter of using SSMA
09 Min Use SQL Server Native Client (not the one on Windows Client)
11 Min SQL Server Express 10 gigs of drive 1 Gig of ram 1 Processor
39 Min know Stored Procs - have SQL do heavy lifting instead of nested views.
About 43 minutes in - just some general questions.


Local time
Today, 21:15
Jan 14, 2017


Passionate Learner
Local time
Today, 13:15
Sep 22, 2014
For info, I'm running an updated presentation on Automatic Form Resizing to the Denver Area Access User Group this week - Thur 17 Feb @ 10:30 Mountain Time (17:30 UTC - UK time)
it will be nice learning from you.

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