Gaining a better understanding of the limitations of Access and Sharepoint (1 Viewer)

Sean Jackson

New member
Local time
Yesterday, 20:12
Jun 14, 2016
Hello all,

I aim to use Access + SharePoint to develop an app we can play with to produce a full needs analysis. Basically build a trial app as a soft-open, and once we’ve dialled in our needs, send it away to be professionally developed.

I'd say I am an advanced excel user, intermediate-plus Access desktop user (rusty). But have zero experience with SharePoint.

Before we dive into what is a relatively large needs analysis, I wanted to make sure that Access SharePoint can do what we need it to do. Basically I want to understand its limitations. I'm finding it hard to get a clear read from my online research on weather it’ll be a good fit...hence my hope to have a conversation with one of you fine people.

In short I am looking to design a system with the following functionality (In brackets is what I am led to believe is the typical solution)
- Run a DB online in real time (SharePoint?)
- End users have access to the front end in real time - adding data and pulling reports (requires either access on their comp or MS Access Runtime)
- Standard security features - Each user has log-in privileges and only access to their data (I believe it does this, but each user requires their own SharePoint Level 1 access for $5 / month?)
- Mobile friendly (It seems it has this functionality, I don't need anything too fancy)
- Lastly, I need the ability to have a coder integrate it with some existing external software (How integrate-able is Access on SharePoint with other custom or non MS applications?)

Hopefully this gives you an overview of what I'm trying to do...nothing too special I suspect…pretty standard stuff...I'm just not completely confident that A+SP can do this, nor what possible limitations we might hit. Again this is only a proof of concept, once needs analysis has been finalized it’ll be shot off for real development. So I can put up with a lot of limitations, as long as it can produce mission critical outcomes.

If anyone’s open to having a bit of a conversation on here, to point me in the right direction to gaining the understanding of how well A+SP can achieve the above that would be greatly appreciated. And how much of a learning curve I might need to work with Access SharePoint, considering my current Access desktop experience.

I look forward to your thoughts



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