regex validation (1 Viewer)

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Human Coffee Siphon
Local time
Today, 06:36
Jul 10, 2003
I just found a lovely bit of code that allows you to do regex checking here:

you can use this to validate postcodes, email addresses etc. V.nice.

All credit due to John Nurick

Here's his code in case the link ever disapears:
'*******************CODE START***********************
                Function rgxValidate( _
                Target As Variant, _
                Pattern As String, _
                Optional CaseSensitive As Boolean = False, _
                Optional MatchWholeString As Boolean = True, _
                Optional FailOnError As Boolean = True) _
                As Boolean                
                'Returns True if Target matches the regular
                'expression Pattern.                
                'By John Nurick, October 2002 - January 2003
                '©2003 John Nurick                
                'Target will normally be a String. If Target is Null,
                'rgxValidate returns False. Otherwise if Target cannot be
                'converted to a string with CStr(), rgxValidate fails
                'with Error 13, Type Mismatch.                
                'Pattern should be a VBScript regular expression. See VBScript
                'help file and other documentation for information.                
                'CaseSensitive does the expected.

                'MatchWholeString: if False, rgxValidate returns True if any
                'substring of Target matches Pattern. If True or omitted,
                'the function only returns True if the whole of Target
                'matches Pattern.
                ' E.g. Target "12345" only matches Pattern "234" if
                ' MatchWholeString is False.               
                'FailOnError: if this is True or omitted, rgxValidate passes
                'any run time error to the calling procedure. If it is False,
                'the function returns True on a successful match and False if
                'the match fails for any reason including a run time error.                
                'rgxValidate is suitable for use in data entry forms and the
                'like. It can also be used in queries and in looping through
                'recordsets, but because it creates a RegExp object and compiles
                'the regular expression (Pattern) every time it is called,
                'it is rather inefficient for repetitive operations.                
                'Constants for messages:
                Const rgxPROC_NAME = "rgxValidate"
                Const rgxERRMSG_CREATE = "Could not create VBScript.RegExp object: "
                Const rgxERRMSG_UNEXPECTED = "Unexpected error: "
                'VBScript.Regexp error messages:
                Const rgxERRMSG_5017 = "Syntax error in regular expression"
                Const rgxERRMSG_5019 = "Expected ']' in regular expression"
                Const rgxERRMSG_5020 = "Expected ')' in regular expression"                
                Dim oRE As Object                
                On Error GoTo ERRHANDLER                
                rgxValidate = False 'Set default return value
                If IsNull(Target) Then Exit Function                
                Set oRE = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp")                
                'If we're here, the object has been created
                oRE.Global = False
                oRE.IgnoreCase = Not CaseSensitive
                oRE.Multiline = False
                If MatchWholeString Then
                'Add anchors at ends of Pattern
                '(doesn't matter if Pattern already has them)
                	oRE.Pattern = "^" & Pattern & "$"
                	oRE.Pattern = Pattern
                End If
                'Do it!
                rgxValidate = oRE.Test(CStr(Target))
                'If we're here, the match executed OK. Normal termination
                Set oRE = Nothing
                Exit Function
                If FailOnError Then
                	With Err
                	Select Case .Number
                		Case 5017: .Description = rgxERRMSG_5017
                		Case 5019: .Description = rgxERRMSG_5019
                		Case 5020: .Description = rgxERRMSG_5020
                	Case Else
                		If oRE Is Nothing Then
                		.Description = rgxERRMSG_CREATE & Err.Description
                		.Description = rgxERRMSG_UNEXPECTED & Err.Description
                		End If
                	End Select

                	Set oRE = Nothing
                	Err.Raise Err.Number, , rgxPROC_NAME & "(): " & .Description
                	End With
                	Else 'Fail silently
                	Set oRE = Nothing
                End If
                End Function
'*******************CODE ENDS***********************

'**************CONSTANT DECLARATIONS******************
                'Some useful regular expressions:                
                'Each of these regular expressions is wrapped in a (?: )
                'grouping pattern. This means that they can be OR'd by
                'concatenating them with the pipe character "|". Thus
                ' rgxZIP_US & "|" & rgxZIP_CA
                'will match either US or Canadian postal codes.
                'Official formatting of postcodes and the like may change
                'over time. Some of these expressions may need adjustment
                ' to bring them up to date.                
                'UK Postcode
                Public Const rgxZIP_UK = "(?:(?:A[BL]|B[ABDHLNRST]?|" _
                & "C[ABFHMORTVW]|D[ADEGHLNTY]|E[CHNX]?|F[KY]|G[LUY]?|" _
                & "H[ADGPRSUX]|I[GMPV]|JE|K[ATWY]|L[ADELNSU]?|M[EKL]?|" _
                & "N[EGNPRW]?|O[LX]|P[AEHLOR]|R[GHM]|S[AEGKLMNOPRSTWY]?|" _
                & "T[ADFNQRSW]|UB|W[ACDFNRSV]?|YO|ZE)" _
                & "\d(?:\d|[A-Z])? \d[A-Z]{2})"
                'A simpler expression that does not check for valid postcode 
                ' "(?:[A-Z]{1,2}\d(?:\d|[A-Z])? \d[A-Z]{2})"
                'Zip or Zip+4
                Public Const rgxZIP_US = "(?:\d{5}(?:-\d{4})?)"                
                'Canadian postal codes
                Public Const rgxZip_CA = "(?:[A-Z]\d[A-Z] \d[A-Z]\d)"
                'Most European postal codes:
                Public Const rgxZIP_EU = "(?:NL-\d{4}(?: [A-Z][A-Z])|" _
                & "(?:IS|FO)\d{3}|" _
                & "(?:A|B|CH|CY|DK|EE|H|L|LT|LV|N)-\d{4}|" _
                & "(?:BA|DE?|E|FR?|FIN?|HR|I|SI|YU)-\d{5}|" _
                & "(?:CZ|GR|S|SK)-\d{3} \d{2}|PL-\d\d-\d{3}|" _
                & "PT-\d{4}(?:-\d{3})?" _
                & ")"                
                'A simpler expression that doesn't check the postcode
                'format against the country code
                ' "(?:NL[- ]\d{4} [A-Z][A-Z]|" _
                ' & "(?:[A-Z]{1,2}[- ])?\d{2,3}(?:\d\d?| \d\d|\d-\d{3}))"                
                'US States
                Public Const rgxSTATES_US = "(:?A[KLRZ]|C[AOT]|D[CE]|FL|" _
                & "GA|HI|I[ADLN]|K[SY]|LA|M[ADEINOST]|N[CDEHJMVY]|" _
                & "O[HKR]|P[AR]|RI|S[CD]|T[NX]|" _
                & "UT|V[AIT]|W[AIVY])"                
                'Australian States
                Public Const rgxSTATES_AU = "(?:ACT|NSW|NT|QLD|SA|TAS|VIC|WA)"                
                'Canadian Provinces
                Public Const rgxPROVINCES_CA = "(?:AB|BC|MB|N[BLTSU]|ON|PE|QC|SK|YT)"           
                'Canonical phone number
                Public Const rgxPHONE_INTL = "(?:\+\d{1,4} ?(?:\(\d{0,5}\))?(?:\d+[-. ])*\d{2,})"
'***********************CONSTANTS END***********************
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