Recent content by 561414

  1. 5

    Method to copy small files as quickly as possible?

    Man, Colin is such a legend. He has an article for everything.
  2. 5

    How to Convert/Create an Ms Access form into a Web Page (HTML Form)?

    That's what frameworks are for, not having to worry too much about widely known vulnerabilities. Just find production-ready components for your frontend, render stuff server side, validate all inputs client side and server side, both, and make sure only authenticated users can perform actions on...
  3. 5

    How to Convert/Create an Ms Access form into a Web Page (HTML Form)?

    I take full responsibility of my advice. Hands-on learning and project-based learning are widely recommendable.
  4. 5

    How to Convert/Create an Ms Access form into a Web Page (HTML Form)?

    I'm being unfair, if you like Microsoft products a lot, there's C# web development as well. Blazor, MSSQL, you can build minimal APIs with the new frameworks as well. That could be another stack. It's very valid as well. .Net is also faster than NodeJS, it's more refined and an excellent...
  5. 5

    How to Convert/Create an Ms Access form into a Web Page (HTML Form)?

    Because you want to build a web app that uses a browser. Access has the web browser control and you can also write html code dynamically and then show the page to your users with an Access frontend, but it's not going to be a professional solution. It's going to be a hack, a temporary thing that...
  6. 5

    How to Convert/Create an Ms Access form into a Web Page (HTML Form)?

    Choose a stack, OP I recommend MySQL, Express, React and NodeJS. You'll use mostly JavaScript for this, so it's very convenient because you write both the backend and frontend with the same language. Let me know if you have doubts about this suggestion, but for what you've said, that stack...
  7. 5

    Daniel Pineault - Devhut

    It seems like he could be up to something sneaky there. The domain didn't have any content the last time I checked, specifically because you mentioned it had a hidden message in the source code. When I tried opening it, I encountered a 404 error. I also noticed that he used ChatGPT to generate...
  8. 5

    Daniel Pineault - Devhut

    The domain still points to a server. He may have just moved its content somewhere else, but he kept the domain. Who knows, maybe it'll be accessible soon again.
  9. 5

    Opening Website - looking for error

    Well that code looks the same to the previous. If I had to guess, since it's a report of some sort, then it's likely rendered server side, it won't change, thus cheeky's approach of requesting the page as is should work and you don't need IE. If you're only getting that same page, we can not do...
  10. 5

    Daniel Pineault - Devhut

    Been fixing a ton of code because of breaking changes provoked by those pesky updates 2 weeks ago and I'm not even using VBA. I hope those updates don't find you in your next non-ms-access project. It's infuriating.
  11. 5

    Is there a way to scrape sites using Edge Browser without installing Visual Studio?

    Access has 4 ways to web scrape that I know of: 1. IE, if you want to interact 2. Web browser control, if you want to interact 3. Http request if you just want to retrieve the content 4. Selenium if you want to interact I haven't used Selenium, as I found incompatibility issues, but I have used...
  12. 5

    Solved Use VBA to Hover over field with mouse causing another form to popup

    Access will not make it easy with forms, you would have to calculate positions and it'd be just too much trouble. But here's a dirty approach to this that uses reports. Since you can embed a report inside another report with a "continuous" view, you can get the id of the hovered-over report...
  13. 5

    Solved Use VBA to Hover over field with mouse causing another form to popup

    What sort of line are you talking about?
  14. 5

    Hide a label from another form's control

    Knowing how to reference things will help you achieve this, CJ_London gave you a link and you say you tried everything but didn't mention what you tried. You have not done anything for what we know. Check the attached database. Hiding controls in forms is easy, you just reference the control...
  15. 5

    What is Faster for Inserting Records Single SQL insert or Recordset Addnew?

    I thought I was being fair when I did not declare the database in either of the subs. Thanks for pointing it out. Since this is an approaches thread, I made another attempt but being explicit this time, I achieved a similar result to declaring it, kinda faster actually...
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