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  1. E

    Blank rows in table.

    If this is possible for you and others, the contents of records can also be removed without using forms. If it wasn't you, it was a third party. The best, because comprehensive, protection would be to add it at table level, @The_Doc_Man has already described this. In addition, you would then...
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    Multi User Database with Record Locking

    If several users rush to work on the same record and then work on it practically at the same time, then you should first check your work organization. If there is a pile of tasks, not every user has to reach for the same task, but as a first step the developer can ensure that the closest record...
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    Solved One Or All Data If Null

    The error is not in the suggestion, but in your implementation.
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    Solved One Or All Data If Null

    WHERE Grade = Forms.A.Combo1 OR Forms.A.Combo1 Is Null The records displayed are those where the filter criterion evaluates to True. I answer in SQL because a query is passed to the DB machine as SQL and executed there as such.
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    Recommended way to manage changes to preference.

    What would change in the view if you were dealing with 4 or 5 units instead of 2? One approach would be to differentiate the application into input, storage + processing and output. The preferred unit would then be derived from the predominant processing, so that few conversions are necessary...
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    No. A table must be declared (in the FROM part) before fields from it can be used in the query.
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    Most efficient way to solve this problem

    Do you know which database management system the tables with data are in, or are you already rowing in the fog?
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    Most efficient way to solve this problem

    Faith is rarely helpful in serious situations. If a query is used as a data source, it will be executed in addition to the new query, in the worst case multiple times instead of once due to the correlated subquery. This will increase or even duplicate the effort and runtime. Design problems...
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    Most efficient way to solve this problem

    What indexes are there in your table? 700k records are a challenge, especially since a correlated subquery is used here. Without usable indexes it will be a disaster. The connection between index and efficiency should be common knowledge.
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    Multi User Database with Record Locking

    Does it help if you check whether the record can be written without errors by locking it before the actual editing = start of the Recordset.Edit? Approximately ' focus on the desired record With Me.Recordset .Edit .Fields("xy") = .Fields("xy") .Update ' if no error .Edit '...
  11. E

    Solved Loop de Loop

    This becomes, when viewed daily: Dcount("*", "filtertable1", "unitprice <= " & filtertable1.unitprice & " AND orderid= " & filtertable1.orderid & " AND odate = " & Format(filtertable1.odate, "\#yyyy\-mm\-dd\#")) AS PriceRank The calculation of PriceRank via DCount has a systematic performance...
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    Append Query from Form

    Doing it completely differently is of course also a way to avoid making certain errors. There are different ways to pass parameters to a query. I am one of those who want...
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    Append Query from Form

    Anyone who thinks they will only make one error is an optimist. The procedure only gets stuck at the first error. - This is not an append query, but an update query. - The unfinished formatting of the expression for a date has already been pointed...
  14. E

    Any solution for Multi Unit of Measures?

    If you are talking about multiple databases, you probably already have tables. To provide information about your development status, you should show the database schemas. MS Access is a development environment. Whether you can find a solution for such simple things as mentioned depends...
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    Calculations ... is a broad word that can be filled with many different meanings. More specific descriptions would have to follow.
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    Number of joins in a query: 16
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    Changing Table Names - what's the impact?

    Correct. It is important to explicitly point out that automated services running in parallel require resources of their own and take them away from the main application. Regarding the original question: There are several Find&Replace tools that cleanly perform renaming at any point in the...
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    MS Access SQL Error Adding a static value via UNION to a SELECT Distinct Query

    Do we now have to discuss all conceivable variants? The variant in #5 works, even if it is complicated in several ways, as described. Because the data volumes are certainly very small, there will never be any performance problems thanks to the power of the processor, so you can calculate many...
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    Solved Run time error 31519 when trying to import CSV file

    First of all, you should always use correct and complete syntax. DoCmd.TransferText (TransferType, SpecificationName, TableName, FileName, HasFieldNames, HTMLTableName, CodePage)
  20. E

    How to filter a buyer having 1 or 2 payments only.

    All of these facts should be stored in tables and thus be able to be evaluated. So show the database schema (representation of the tables with their relationships). Knowing this is always the starting point of a query. You also have to take into account that SQL performs set operations =>...
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