Was OJ Simpson innocent? (1 Viewer)


Access World Site Owner
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Today, 03:21
Sep 28, 1999
Was George Floyd's "murder" also a case decided along racial lines? If Blacks thought OJ was innocent, and they thought that George Floyd was a victim, does that mean that if OJ was really guilty, that George Floyd was also not a victim but died for reasons other than the knee on the neck?


Ignore List Poster Boy
Local time
Yesterday, 22:21
Apr 27, 2015
No idea. I believe OJ murdered his ex-wife and lover - he got away with it. Now he is gone. Not sure what George Floyd has to do with this...


Registered User.
Local time
Yesterday, 19:21
May 22, 2010
OJ dead from prostate cancer.
If you're male near 50 and have not had a PSA test, you need to. Ask your doctor on your next visit!


Registered User.
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Yesterday, 19:21
May 22, 2010
Not meant to be funny, it's a leading killer of men. OJ just happened to have it, so I thought it could help someone.


Access World Site Owner
Staff member
Local time
Today, 03:21
Sep 28, 1999
No idea. I believe OJ murdered his ex-wife and lover - he got away with it. Now he is gone. Not sure what George Floyd has to do with this...
I mention George Floyd because it appears that in a lot of these trials, the decision of guilt or innocence seems based on race. If you have a jury where the Whites think the person is guilty and the Blacks think they are innocent, then is this really justice at all, and not just another verdict based on race?

Edit: If someone told me of a trial where the Whites said guilty and the Blacks said innocent (or vice-versa), I could tell you the race of the suspect without knowing anything else about them or what the case was about. That says it all.


Ignore List Poster Boy
Local time
Yesterday, 22:21
Apr 27, 2015
I mention George Floyd because it appears that in a lot of these trials, the decision of guilt or innocence seems based on race. If you have a jury where the Whites think the person is guilty and the Blacks think they are innocent, then is this really justice at all, and not just another verdict based on race?
I make an earnest attempt to filter the BS and make a decision based on the merits of the case. The media does not make it easy


Immoderate Moderator
Staff member
Local time
Yesterday, 21:21
Feb 28, 2001
Was George Floyd's "murder" also a case decided along racial lines? If Blacks thought OJ was innocent, and they thought that George Floyd was a victim, does that mean that if OJ was really guilty, that George Floyd was also not a victim but died for reasons other than the knee on the neck?

The issue with the George Floyd case is more complex. I am sorry for Mr. Floyd, but he had been arrested for passing "funny money" and knew he was about to get searched while still holding illicit drugs. I guess he was so desperate to avoid that arrest that he took the chance that his fentanyl pouch would stay intact. But it didn't. He apparently attempted to hide evidence of carrying fentanyl in sufficient quantity to be more than for personal use only, and his hiding place of choice was in his mouth. But the baggie didn't properly contain the powder and GF died.

The question, however, is whether the officer "speeded along" his death with the ill-advised knee to the neck to cause positional asphyxia. (The official verdict was "Yes".) GF might well have died via fentanyl OD in a few minutes WITHOUT the help of a knee on his neck.

As for me, I believe the officer was clearly wrong to do what he did. If he had been patient, the leaked fentanyl would have done the job for him and there would have been no charges. I don't believe narcan handles fentanyl OD cases, so once that overdose-level baggie broke in his mouth, GF was mostly doomed.


Access World Site Owner
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Local time
Today, 03:21
Sep 28, 1999
The question, however, is whether the officer "speeded along" his death with the ill-advised knee to the neck to cause positional asphyxia. (The official verdict was "Yes".) GF might well have died via fentanyl OD in a few minutes WITHOUT the help of a knee on his neck.
I believe the coronor said "No", but the information was supressed and came out recently. If I recollect, there is some talk of bringing the case back to life?

Edit: Newsweek said this is false, which probably means it is true.

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Active member
Local time
Yesterday, 21:21
Oct 21, 2021
BTW, I don't blame the jury I blame DA Gil Garcetti for the change in venue as well as not trying the case himself. He appointed lower less experienced staff. This case was off the charts in terms of importance, he should have spearheaded the prosecution of OJ himself.

Now Los Angeles is dealing with Garcetti's offspring Eric who is trying to get a spot on Biden's team. These people go from one screw up to another.
Yep. DA went with a politically correct prosecution team instead of a seasoned prosecutor. Her ex was suing for custody and the idiot judge had no control of the courtroom. The prosecutor calls a cop who excelled in inappropriate adjectives for people of color when they could have called other cops.


Immoderate Moderator
Staff member
Local time
Yesterday, 21:21
Feb 28, 2001
Moke, I'll believe you because I don't remember where I heard that it doesn't. If I can't name the reference, I'll shy away from making too much of an absolutist claim. But there is still the problem that (a) they had to have had some available and (b) they had to realize that he had taken something AND know what it was. Because if they administer narcan and he was on something like meth, it would potentially have done more harm than good.


Registered User.
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Yesterday, 19:21
May 22, 2010

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