Are you an atheist? (2 Viewers)

Are you an atheist?

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Premier Pale Stale Ale
Local time
Today, 07:38
Oct 17, 2012
You know, that REALLY irks me, because the day after 9/11, Cheney called Dick Clark (the civil servant, not the TV guy) into his office and relayed the message that the administration had determined that Iraq was behind the attacks, and that Dick had better find the evidence.

Hell, people who worked on the 2000 campaign have come out and said that, before the elections were even over, Bush and Cheney were working on plans for invading Iraq.


Registered User
Local time
Today, 07:38
Jun 9, 2004
To start with seems you're a bit gullable to think their praying to God really lead them to the decision to go to war. It was a damage control thing... In any case faith is not inherently evil, it's how it's applied. Apply extremism to most anything and unexpected and sometimes bad things can happen...


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 04:38
Feb 11, 2013
To start with seems you're a bit gullable to think their praying to God really lead them to the decision to go to war. It was a damage control thing... In any case faith is not inherently evil, it's how it's applied. Apply extremism to most anything and unexpected and sometimes bad things can happen...

Hi Ken You are right. They want me to accept the deeds of others who call on their faith to aid them. But when others as Stalin, Mao, Hitler,(shall I go on) kill millions, they somehow are a different sect and do not share any responsibility?

Galaxiom........ If someone invaded you home land (Aussie for short), killed, maimed, your kin folk, coutnrymen and pushed you to the ends of your land next to the sea and all of a sudden you had someone come in and say, ok go ahead and attack them, I will give you protection, however while your at it, kill every living enemy Man, woman and child. What are you going to do? Well Lord, I had rather not, just give us a boat and we will go somewhere else. Or like every human since Adam would want revenge. If you don't you are not human. (Guess your a God then... Problems for the atheist side of you (hate yourself)
) a joke my friend a joke but you see where I am going.. What would you do? Rem. These people had no education, most were illiterate and and relied on word of mouth for any information. I might add word of mouth thru a human mouth You atheist want to get rid of religion. It is inherent to the word Atheist and believe it or not. Rem, I have seen you at your worse,with red bulging eyes, slobber out of the corner of your mouth. It was very vivid that you had the human frailties and were actually part of the human race instead of a God.

A lot of deaths have occurred throughout history. We can debate whether Bush did the right thing but we need to include Obama who refused to leave soldiers in Iraq. Thus ISIS and More deaths.

The way you throw Atheism around as the best thing around, one would think it is God sent or something. You are part of it and you cannot wash it away.



Registered User.
Local time
Today, 04:38
Feb 11, 2013
Looking at the mornings news is depressing.

*Christians killed by the hundreds by Islamic Terrorist, **death threats to the owners of a pizzeria where there has been no violation of the no discrimination law. *** A state law mimicking a Federal Law signed into law buy the Governor of the state.

[All questions by others are paraphrased!]

*Islamic Terrorist are stepping up death to any professed Christian (and there are many) plus they are questioning the people about knowing certain lines that are present in the Koran(Curan'). If they do not know these lines, then they are put to death as well. This my friends is simple pure EVIL.

Of course the Islamic Terrorist main objective is to overthrow the local governments, to install the Islamic version of a theocratic government and social setting (Shira' Law) much like Iran. Yet, there is no outrage by anyone other than Israel and a hand full of Arabic countries that are threatened to be swallowed-up by this movement. Like Hitler, we just let it happen. Obama is our Neville Chamberlain, and the world suffers. The demise of the Christian religion is a goal here! For all those self-proclaimed atheist out there, They (Radical Islamic Terrorist) will kill you and any gays as well. You are also 'Infidels' according to the Koran

**The owners were asked by a 'planted' reporter: ' will you serve all who come into your place of business including any Gays? Will you cater any Gay Weddings?' The answer was:: Yes, we will serve all in our place of business including Gays. No, because we do not believe in Gay Marriage, we will not cater any Gay Wedding. They actually told the reporter there was another pizza place down the road that would cater Gay Weddings. Then all hell has broken loose. No tolerance here.

***A law in Indiana to promote Religious Freedom has caused a firestorm. WHY? it was virtually the same as the Federal law that was signed by Bill Clinton (don't know what to call him). When the governor signed the bill into law, ALL HELL broke loose. No Tolerance here either

This is the problem with the left. There is no tolerance for any religious beliefs of any kind, even if it does not affect them (the left liberal person) directly.
Just a HATRED for Religion.

On this Good Friday, I would like to remind all those people who do not believe in Jesus Christ, he died for our sins. All humans, yes, including YOU, living and dead will in the end be judged! (Hey, you should be proud, your atheism does not have this level of justice, does it?) You will get to argue your point to the Man himself. I cannot make that decision for you, It is your Choice? I urge you to make the right one.

'Gods NOT Dead' is a good movie to watch. It gives a little bit of both sides in a more religious setting than the debates have done.

May you have a Happy Easter Sunday!

p.s. In the USA polls show the nearly 80% of the population believe in God. Yes, we are a nation of GOD! whether you like it or not.



Registered User.
Local time
Today, 04:38
Feb 11, 2013
I have to admit, this article immediately made me think of Blade, Dick, A2E, and Aziz, among others:

Poll: Gays More Popular Than Evangelicals in the US

Hi Frothy: Good article.... I have no problem with Gays!..

For the life of me, why do you want to call me a Bigot (A hater)? As far as your view of Jesus, it is ok, it is your opinion and Choice.

Have a nice Easter.



Strange Traveller
Local time
Today, 12:38
Aug 12, 2014
Irregardless, the people who killed millions were atheist and the people killed were Christians.

Ima just pick out this, How do you know that they were all atheist for starts?

So if someone kills someone across the street and one is atheist and one is a christian. Suddenly it is because he hated religion. Doesn't personal hate or interest come into this occasion somewhere?


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 04:38
Feb 11, 2013
Ima just pick out this, How do you know that they were all atheist for starts?

So if someone kills someone across the street and one is atheist and one is a christian. Suddenly it is because he hated religion. Doesn't personal hate or interest come into this occasion somewhere?

Hi Connor, Believe we were talking about Hitler, Mao, Stalin, Pol Pot, etc. with the exception of Hitler all were Marxist/communist// one step away from socialism. While Hitler was said to believe in God, his writings show that he did not and actually dispised the Jewish people.

It has been argued that Atheism is not something would cause a person to kill innocent people but rather their agenda (i.e.. communism) vs. Religion where people were killed in the name of God. Yet, these lands were taken by ruthless people who killed and raped innocents as they went. When taking back this land that God gave them, yes, they kill as many as they could.

I refer to the question I ask Galaxiom in a previous post. Apply this to your Europe and answer it. What would you do? If you could not ra** a small child or cut up an old person then you have morals that you got from somewhere, certainly not from atheism. I'll even bet you got them from religion. So, no matter what you say, you have a little religion in you somewhere and probably using the veil of Atheism to suit you lifestyle. Much like college students of today, they throw off the label of Christianity in order to fit into the immoral lifestyles of some with very Liberal views. No matter what you say, 85-90% of Americans (via a poll) believe in God. That is a far cry from the poll taken from this thread and is also a far cry from any polls taken in the European theater. Atheism is alive an growing over there where you are... Wonder Why?



Strange Traveller
Local time
Today, 12:38
Aug 12, 2014
Hi Connor, Believe we were talking about Hitler, Mao, Stalin, Pol Pot, etc. with the exception of Hitler all were Marxist/communist// one step away from socialism. While Hitler was said to believe in God, his writings show that he did not and actually dispised the Jewish people.

Not for religious reasons may I add.

It has been argued that Atheism is not something would cause a person to kill innocent people but rather their agenda (i.e.. communism) vs. Religion where people were killed in the name of God. Yet, these lands were taken by ruthless people who killed and raped innocents as they went. When taking back this land that God gave them, yes, they kill as many as they could.

That is indeed an agenda, Atheism is a lack of religion. Next to no people have been killed because they choose to believe in a god rather than none at all.

I refer to the question I ask Galaxiom in a previous post. Apply this to your Europe and answer it. What would you do? If you could not ra** a small child or cut up an old person then you have morals that you got from somewhere, certainly not from atheism. I'll even bet you got them from religion. So, no matter what you say, you have a little religion in you somewhere and probably using the veil of Atheism to suit you lifestyle

That would actually be decency, all acts of kindness did not come from a religious source Blade. Some would even argue that it comes down to a primal instinct of "If I help them now, They will help me later".

And as I have said before, Atheism is a lack of religion. Not a veil - The only difference between atheism and theism is the absence of (so called) god/s

I can assure you, No religion is present in me :) Hey I just came back from Rome (which is an extremely religious city) and visited multiple churches and even the Vatican to marvel at the architecture (I must say I had a good time). I do appreciate what religion has motivated but in no way has this influenced my opinion that there is a god.

Much like college students of today, they throw off the label of Christianity in order to fit into the immoral lifestyles of some with very Liberal views. No matter what you say, 85-90% of Americans (via a poll) believe in God. That is a far cry from the poll taken from this thread and is also a far cry from any polls taken in the European theater. Atheism is alive an growing over there where you are... Wonder Why?

You didn't say which god that entails. There are a multitude of religions alive within the US and many have their own gods. In your religion it states there is only 1 god. so lets round that number down to how many of you over there are christian or catholic or muslim etc...

Also their are a multitude of reasons why someone would become an atheist rather than a theist such as feeling abandoned (which would lead to the opinion god was never there) finding their own significant reasons as to why their couldn't be a god and the list continues.

And one more thing - just did a quick search on your statistics, where are you getting them from? My search came up with 69.5% believe in a personal god (again not stating which, so this includes all of them - May I remind you this includes the spaghetti monster ;) )

EDIT: Reading up I noticed your percentage has risen a whole 5-10%! where is this coming from ?! :rolleyes:
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Registered User.
Local time
Today, 04:38
Feb 11, 2013
And as I have said before, Atheism is a lack of religion. Not a veil - The only difference between atheism and theism is the absence of (so called) god/s ...

the absence of morals and presence of what 'nothing is off limits'. Atheism---Nothingness. we came from nothing, The universe came from nothing or was here all along, we just simply appeared on day which would explain why we all have about 95% of the same DNA???RIGHT?

I can assure you, No religion is present in me Hey I just came back from Rome (which is an extremely religious city) and visited multiple churches and even the Vatican to marvel at the architecture (I must say I had a good time). I do appreciate what religion has motivated but in no way has this influenced my opinion that there is a god...
I can assure you that those same churches and others as well were beautiful however, they did not persuade me to become Catholic. What has this got to do with the "price of eggs"?????

Bladerunner #4748: Much like college students of today, they throw off the label of Christianity in order to fit into the immoral lifestyles of some with very Liberal views. No matter what you say, 85-90% of Americans (via a poll) believe in God. That is a far cry from the poll taken from this thread and is also a far cry from any polls taken in the European theater. Atheism is alive an growing over there where you are... Wonder Why?

You didn't say which god that entails. There are a multitude of religions alive within the US and many have their own gods. In your religion it states there is only 1 god. so lets round that number down to how many of you over there are christian or catholic or muslim etc...

the Hebrew God, Catholic God and Christian God are all the same from the same books written 2500 years ago. Islam was written in 600 AD by Mohammed (their so-called prophet). If you want to know about his activities, killing, raping, marrying underage children, then read the Sunnah and the Hadif. The Koran looks like a pussy cat to them.

To be fair there are other religions that believe in a God but most of these are 'Gods unto themselves'. Pagans, Satanist, etc.

Also their are a multitude of reasons why someone would become an atheist rather than a theist such as feeling abandoned (which would lead to the opinion god was never there) finding their own significant reasons as to why their couldn't be a god and the list continues....

Yes, there is but I was speaking of college students and other lifestyles outside the morals taught in the Bible. It all boils down to Morals. Since we came from a Primordial ooze and sprang from an animal or primate, our only thought is to Kill , for food and territory. Where did you get your morals. I got mine from the Bible. Tell me, where did man get his morals if all men (everybody) were products of random events. SOmething sprang from nothingness.

And one more thing - just did a quick search on your statistics, where are you getting them from? My search came up with 69.5% believe in a personal god (again not stating which, so this includes all of them - May I remind you this includes the spaghetti monster )
I did not say Christians, I said
"Believed in >>>>>>>>>>>>!!!!!!!!!God!!!!!!!>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>"
9 out of 10 or 90% I was pretty close, NO????????????????



Strange Traveller
Local time
Today, 12:38
Aug 12, 2014
the absence of morals and presence of what 'nothing is off limits'. Atheism---Nothingness. we came from nothing, The universe came from nothing or was here all along, we just simply appeared on day which would explain why we all have about 95% of the same DNA???RIGHT?

This comment actually states how little you know about how evolution works.

I can assure you that those same churches and others as well were beautiful however, they did not persuade me to become Catholic. What has this got to do with the "price of eggs"?????

Religious Conversion through achitectural means, not unheard of.

the Hebrew God, Catholic God and Christian God are all the same from the same books written 2500 years ago. Islam was written in 600 AD by Mohammed (their so-called prophet). If you want to know about his activities, killing, raping, marrying underage children, then read the Sunnah and the Hadif. The Koran looks like a pussy cat to them.

To be fair there are other religions that believe in a God but most of these are 'Gods unto themselves'. Pagans, Satanist, etc.

If I'm not mistaken, That was a religious 'Dig' at the Islamic religion.

One good thing about atheism, we have no profound dislike for a certain religion. We just disagree with all of them.

Yes, there is but I was speaking of college students and other lifestyles outside the morals taught in the Bible. It all boils down to Morals. Since we came from a Primordial ooze and sprang from an animal or primate, our only thought is to Kill , for food and territory. Where did you get your morals. I got mine from the Bible. Tell me, where did man get his morals if all men (everybody) were products of random events. SOmething sprang from nothingness.

So you are narrowing down the poll base to fit your argument? - Didn't I slightly cover this in my previous comment. Common interest is a primal instinct. "If I help him now, He helps me later" - The same could be said for being nice. What about all of those years BC - Did they just run out in the streets slicing anyone they wanted? No...
I did not say Christians, I said
"Believed in >>>>>>>>>>>>!!!!!!!!!God!!!!!!!>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>"
9 out of 10 or 90% I was pretty close, NO????????????????


Very Inaccurate source Blade, For starts it doesn't say how many were asked? could have been 10 people in a church.

Also don't you see, Only 3 religions you mentioned have the same god. So you simply proclaim the other religions are liars or are false? I would say they would say the same about your own religion Blade. You cannot see how much your percentage would change if the question was adjusted to "How many people believe in the Christian,Catholic,Hebrew God?"

And can I just add to a previous statement you made - "Why is there a growing atheist base in europe?".

That may be down to the fact that when days pass, Evidence is found. With every morsel of evidence is another reason to retract the idea of a deity.

(In my opinion!)

Personally I can see why humans created such a being. To have hope, To have control (The hierarchy), To have someone to blame (Satan). But as time passes the need for this almighty deity decreases. Just like an Imaginary friend does as a child.

Let me expand on the control point to my above paragraph. Watching that video you linked on the debate, Hitchens raised some quite valid points.

Religion is everything a predatory creature needs to have power over its prey. The pope is worshipped as the closest to god, he doesn't need money as everything is paid for and provided and I'm pretty sure his seconds have the same treatment.

What Predator wouldn't take first class treatment and power for free?

(Remember, It's My Opinion)


Super Moderator
Staff member
Local time
Today, 21:38
Jan 20, 2009
If someone invaded you home land (Aussie for short), killed, maimed, your kin folk, coutnrymen and pushed you to the ends of your land next to the sea and all of a sudden you had someone come in and say, ok go ahead and attack them, I will give you protection, however while your at it, kill every living enemy Man, woman and child.

Throughout history ruthless people have motivated and justified genocide on the word of some god. The formula varies little. Vilify the target, portray them as a threat, whip up hysteria, kill them and take what was theirs.

Tribes such as the Hebrews of the Old Testament claimed that they prevailed in this slaughter through the "grace" of their god. However the outcome is indistinguishable for the Hebrews simply being a very violent and aggressive tribe. This seems far more plausible.

Moreover, the Hebrew massacres were not as you described. The Hebrews were the invaders. They showed up from Egypt claiming that their god had given "The Promised Land" to "The Chosen Race" and proceeded to massacre everyone who lived there because their God told them to.

When two tribes tricked the Hebrews into a peace treaty they were punished by enslavement for their "deceit". Abrahamic religion, including Christianity, is not and never has been about peace.

The Bible is nothing more than the trumped up musings of profoundly arrogant primitive misogynists with an obsession for death and bloody sacrifice.


Super Moderator
Staff member
Local time
Today, 21:38
Jan 20, 2009
the Hebrew God, Catholic God and Christian God are all the same from the same books written 2500 years ago. Islam was written in 600 AD by Mohammed (their so-called prophet).

Islam he same God by another name. It is based on the same old exaggerated myths that originate from preliterate times. They too eagerly await Armageddon where their god will slaughter all those not part of their cult.

Yes, there is but I was speaking of college students and other lifestyles outside the morals taught in the Bible. It all boils down to Morals.

The faithful love to claim the Bible is the source of morality. Far from being a worthy moral guide the Bible is littered with examples of sickeningly primitive philosophy. It exalts the worst of human behaviours including genocide, slavery, ra** and incest.

It teaches that punishment is applied for four generations. Worse still God punishes all women for eternity with "increased pain of childbirth" because Eve disobeyed Him. God's psychopathic attitudes are far from "forgiveness" but are tools of fear to manipulate people.

The world will not know peace until our societies shake off the monotheist religions of Abraham's minions.


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 04:38
Feb 11, 2013
You know, that REALLY irks me, because the day after 9/11, Cheney called Dick Clark (the civil servant, not the TV guy) into his office and relayed the message that the administration had determined that Iraq was behind the attacks, and that Dick had better find the evidence.

Hell, people who worked on the 2000 campaign have come out and said that, before the elections were even over, Bush and Cheney were working on plans for invading Iraq.

you are really gullable aren't you??.... Its all Bush's fault eight years after a change in the administration. a pity


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 04:38
Feb 11, 2013
This comment actually states how little you know about how evolution works.
Oh, and what that be,,,,,now be specific. lets hear your version of Evolution and not a URL. Did or did we not come out of nothing.???????Hummmmmmm. Lets hear it., I am all ears.

Religious Conversion through achitectural means, not unheard of.
OK,,,,I thinK??????

If I'm not mistaken, That was a religious 'Dig' at the Islamic religion..
Yes it is, It does not believe in Jesus Christ who only ask everyone to love thy neighbor. Islam states if you are a non-believer, you are to die.

One good thing about atheism, we have no profound dislike for a certain religion. We just disagree with all of them.
Yeah, I agree we need to make it easy for you atheist and everyone else. Make One Decision. What is so hard about that. Quit crying, you made yours. Hopefully, God will give you enough time before you die to reevaluate your (todays) decision. ummmm. one other question: If you (Atheist) have no profound dislike for religion then why is your agenda geared toward getting rid of Religion. Atheism cannot compete nor can it survive in large numbers where there is religion.

So you are narrowing down the poll base to fit your argument? - Didn't I slightly cover this in my previous comment. Common interest is a primal instinct. "If I help him now, He helps me later" - The same could be said for being nice. What about all of those years BC - Did they just run out in the streets slicing anyone they wanted? No...
No, the poll base was the same as I stated in the other post. you are just trying to change it. Yes, Primal Instincts,,,,,,we protect our stuff. and ourselves. ......."The If I help him now, he Helps me Later" statement is the mentality used in communes. everybody helps everybody and everybody gets to eat. Only the ruling class of this commune eats a little better. Sorry,,,,,,,, even a socialist nation has a ruling class and a working class, which are you going to be in????????? as far as BC is concerned, you mean like the BC now happening over in the Middle East. ISIS. Killing innocent women/ children who don't believe and never did nothing to harm them or their sect, kin, nation, etc.. Is that what they (in BC times)were defending against? you and I just don't know now do we? I guess you are just going to sit there and let them kill you friends, neighbors and loved ones for not believing because that is their goal. Beside Christians, you Atheist and Gays are at the top of their list. Good luck with the pity pleading.

Very Inaccurate source Blade, For starts it doesn't say how many were asked? could have been 10 people in a church.
I suppose you have a more accurate poll, say one with 8 out or 10 people being atheist???????????? I have no Idea who they used for the polls, I would assume they are right (especially the GALLUP polls) or they would go bankrupt. Sorry don't buy you reasoning here.

Also don't you see, Only 3 religions you mentioned have the same god. So you simply proclaim the other religions are liars or are false? I would say they would say the same about your own religion Blade. You cannot see how much your percentage would change if the question was adjusted to "How many people believe in the Christian,Catholic,Hebrew God?"
Yes, The Catholic and Christianity (Gentiles) believe in Jesus Christ. The Jewish people believe in Jesus but have a problem with having to go through him to get to the Father (GOD). The bible predicted this and stated that they will turn away from his commands and be punished by having to go through the tribulations. In the end, it is stated they will come back to God (as they have done so many times in the past). Either way, the results would be the same. Do you Believe in GOD? YES

And can I just add to a previous statement you made - "Why is there a growing atheist base in europe?".
That may be down to the fact that when days pass, Evidence is found. With every morsel of evidence is another reason to retract the idea of a deity.
or maybe down to the fact that liberalism / socialism is abound in the European Union. Along with these, goes Atheism.

Last edited:


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 04:38
Feb 11, 2013
Sorry Galaxiom, cannot get to your post at this time but will address it shortly.


Strange Traveller
Local time
Today, 12:38
Aug 12, 2014
Oh, and what that be,,,,,now be specific. lets hear your version of Evolution and not a URL. Did or did we not come out of nothing.???????Hummmmmmm. Lets hear it., I am all ears.

There are many Theories behind how we started out Blade. Latest one is that the world and the universes always existed. Personally I would put it down to chance that a certain combination of cells and the exact right circumstances happened and it went from there. The evolutionary ladder. We took millions upon millions of years to get here through countless evolutionary forms through genetic mutations. When one form of genetic adaption proved to be better suited to the environment then that trait would live on through the next generations until we are here today.

Please tell me how you can justify dinosaur remains and many other animals fossils found?

Or snakes that are born with legs? the list goes on...

Yes it is, It does not believe in Jesus Christ who only ask everyone to love thy neighbor. Islam states if you are a non-believer, you are to die.

But yet if you don't believe in Jesus Christ you are damned to an eternity of damnation and pain. Every religion is just as bad. It is those sorts of consequences that scare people into believing. :mad:

Yeah, I agree we need to make it easy for you atheist and everyone else. Make One Decision. What is so hard about that. Quit crying, you made yours. Hopefully, God will give you enough time before you die to reevaluate your (todays) decision. ummmm. one other question: If you (Atheist) have no profound dislike for religion then why is your agenda geared toward getting rid of Religion. Atheism cannot compete nor can it survive in large numbers where there is religion.

We have no agenda, (Well I don't) - I personally couldn't care less if you believe in God, Allah, Jeff from over the fence. All the same to me.

No crying here either, Just stating that without evidence all you have is faith.
But what is a god without faith? If you prove god exists then faith wouldn't be needed and then god would cease to exist. The perfect cover.

"I say there is a god, Don't try and prove him to be real otherwise he won't exist - But if you don't believe in him, He will be angry and sentence you to pain and damnation for eternity after you die."

No, the poll base was the same as I stated in the other post. you are just trying to change it. Yes, Primal Instincts,,,,,,we protect our stuff. and ourselves. ......."The If I help him now, he Helps me Later" statement is the mentality used in communes. everybody helps everybody and everybody gets to eat. Only the ruling class of this commune eats a little better. Sorry,,,,,,,, even a socialist nation has a ruling class and a working class, which are you going to be in????????? as far as BC is concerned, you mean like the BC now happening over in the Middle East. ISIS. Killing innocent women/ children who don't believe and never did nothing to harm them or their sect, kin, nation, etc.. Is that what they (in BC times)were defending against? you and I just don't know now do we? I guess you are just going to sit there and let them kill you friends, neighbors and loved ones for not believing because that is their goal. Beside Christians, you Atheist and Gays are at the top of their list. Good luck with the pity pleading.

I'm not trying to change anything, You are trying to narrow a poll to make your argument sound better. Primal instincts are a given in any species. Maybe even supplied via evolution.

Why would I let them? Just because I am an atheist doesn't mean I won't interfere via physical means. Another thing, Why do you separate gays from religion or atheism? Can't Gays be religious or atheist or is that just your opinion? Personally I know a few Christian gay couples.

I suppose you have a more accurate poll, say one with 8 out or 10 people being atheist???????????? I have no Idea who they used for the polls, I would assume they are right (especially the GALLUP polls) or they would go bankrupt. Sorry don't buy you reasoning here.

I never claimed to have an accurate poll, but given your poll doesn't say where these people were polled or even how many really does take down its credibility. They could have asked 10 people in a church. Ofcourse the most part of them would be religious. By the way an answer to your 8-10 people being atheist, (maybe even more) poll a room full of evolutionary scientists.

Yes, The Catholic and Christianity (Gentiles) believe in Jesus Christ. The Jewish people believe in Jesus but have a problem with having to go through him to get to the Father (GOD). The bible predicted this and stated that they will turn away from his commands and be punished by having to go through the tribulations. In the end, it is stated they will come back to God (as they have done so many times in the past). Either way, the results would be the same.

Ahh, religious predictions - they've always turned out so well.

Here's a few :

Do you Believe in GOD? YES


or maybe down to the fact that liberalism / socialism is abound in the European Union. Along with these, goes Atheism.

OR maybe each individual person has a choice (As you said did you not?) If they choose not to believe in god due to credible evidence found via evolution and other means, then that's okay with me.


Premier Pale Stale Ale
Local time
Today, 07:38
Oct 17, 2012
The Bible is nothing more than the trumped up musings of profoundly arrogant primitive misogynists with an obsession for death and bloody sacrifice.

To be fair, most of the teachings attributed directly to Jesus are fairly benevolent and enlightened, especially for their time.

It's just a crying shame that most Christians ignore them in favor of good old Old Testament hatred and bloodshed. And don't even get me started on Peter's influence and apparent misogyny.
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Local time
Today, 12:38
Jun 2, 2003

One thing that is puzzling me is that people are stating catholic and Christian as separate religions. I think this was started by Bladerunner but not sure.

I am certain that all of the Catholics I know consider themselves Christians, so could anyone who has mentioned them separately please explain why?



Premier Pale Stale Ale
Local time
Today, 07:38
Oct 17, 2012
Bladerunner did once make a statement that implied that he thought Catholic and Christian were two different things, but in his defense, when I called him in it he did say that he knew both were Christian.

That said, a lot of the REALLY right-wing Protestants think Catholics aren't Christian (just go look up Jack Chick - I'll wait), and it's a common error made by many non-Christians as well.

Insomuch as Christianity is defined by belief in Jesus being the prophesied Messiah, Catholics are most definitely Christian. What they absolutely are NOT is Protestant. ;)

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