Fishing expedition by 1/6 commission (1 Viewer)


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 07:48
May 22, 2010
@Steve R. This is with the snipping tool



Registered User.
Local time
Today, 07:48
May 22, 2010
Nice thing about the snipping tool is you can go straight into paint if you need.


Local time
Today, 10:48
Jan 11, 2013
Didn't a bunch of protesters interfere with voting last week?
Not unless it was for dog catcher somewhere. I've heard nothing.

Why isn't what's his name in prison for 20 years with all the video of him trying to get stupid people to break into the Capitol. Oh, I forgot, he was an FBI plant so his rhetoric wasn't dangerous because he was on the side of the government.
Funny you should mention Ray Epps. He gets sentenced next week. They're looking for 6 months. Cool way to protect an FBI source, isn't it?
He didn't even go inside. Why are you not defending him?

Steve R.

Local time
Today, 10:48
Jul 5, 2006
Funny you should mention Ray Epps. He gets sentenced next week. They're looking for 6 months. Cool way to protect an FBI source, isn't it?
He didn't even go inside. Why are you not defending him?
Seriously, Epps appears to be an instigator. As such he should receive the maximum sentence. Such a light sentence would seem to imply that Epps was really a "plant" and is serving time as cover. Evidently the DOJ did go after a member of the "Proud Boys" and charged him with instigating even though he was far away in Baltimore(?).
Then there is the case of Jacob Chansley who received approximately a 4 year sentence (now commuted) for aimlessly walking around.
Finally, the FBI seems to be ignoring tracking down and charging the left wing violent protesters. This is not equal justice.
DOJ declined to prosecute Ray Epps. Now it wants him sent to prison.
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Steve R.

Local time
Today, 10:48
Jul 5, 2006

Pat Hartman

Super Moderator
Staff member
Local time
Today, 10:48
Feb 19, 2002
Funny you should mention Ray Epps. He gets sentenced next week. They're looking for 6 months.
Whoopty do. That is ZERO to a max of 6 months BTW. Didn't the Proud Boys guy get 20 years and he wasn't even at the event? Seems a little harsh compared to a max of 6 months. The government tried very hard to excuse Epps' behavior for YEARS and couldn't get away with it. So they're talking "tough" now but he'll do as little time as they can manage and he's probably getting paid very well for it. Members of Congress still excuse Epps' actions. Wonder why he's the only "insurgent" who isn't actually an "insurgent"? I'd say time served is even money.

All of this because you can't figure out a way to beat Trump cleanly. It is so easy it's terrifying. You attack Trump personally, you bring "lawsuits" based on misinterpretation of the law, You spy on him. You lie to the FISA court. You completely and totally corrupt the FBI and DOJ to the point where the American public will never trust them again. You change election laws on the eve of the election against the rules set down by the Constitution. You did your heels in and obstruct audits to the point where the general public KNOWS FOR A FACT that you actually manipulated the ballots. Otherwise, why would you even care about an audit if you had nothing to hide? You buy fake dossiers in an attempt to smear Trump. You get a state assembly to create a temporary law that you use to specifically target Trump in a bogus ra** trial. Do you think that people don't notice this crap? Why with all of this s***, are you failing so miserably failing in taking Trump down? Please don't stop now to think about it. Keep doing what you've been doing;)

What is the definition of idiocy? Doing the same ineffective thing over and over again and expecting a different result.

Steve R.

Local time
Today, 10:48
Jul 5, 2006
Below is a link to Tucker Carlson's Twitter (X) podcast.
Most of what Tucker says, we have already heard before. The main reason for posting is the video clip of Biden (at the approximate 1:50 point) bragging how he has been having federal law enforcement round up, arrest, and place people in jail for simply being there on Jan 6th. (This inquisition is still continuing.) Why wasn't Biden bragging about arresting BLM/Antifa rioters who attacked and damage federal property?

It seem that Jan. 6th, for the Democrats is a new holiday to be celebrated every year. Fortunately, ritual yearly mass executions to celebrate holidays like Jan. 6th are currently out-of-style.

The theme of this video clip demonstrates that Biden will be running his 2024 presidential campaign based on tired hateful mantras against Trump, not on how the Democrats will make this country better. Biden’s First 2024 Campaign Speech Recycles Old Attacks on Trump
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bit cruncher
Local time
Today, 07:48
Mar 17, 2004
Biden will be running his 2024 presidential campaign based on tired hateful mantras against Trump
And Trump, as we all know, will be running a selfless campaign as a tireless champion of the people, with extremely high levels of integrity, a strong commitment to strengthening public institutions, and a keen sense of public service.

Steve R.

Local time
Today, 10:48
Jul 5, 2006
And Trump, as we all know, will be running a selfless campaign as a tireless champion of the people, with extremely high levels of integrity, a strong commitment to strengthening public institutions, and a keen sense of public service.
The irony, Biden-the presumptive dictator- is also running a claimed "selfless campaign as a tireless champion of the people, with extremely high levels of integrity, a strong commitment to strengthening public institutions, and a keen sense of public service." Proof of Biden's commitment to save democracy and restore the soul of the US are documented by his henchmen filing lawsuits to remove Trump from the ballot. Preserving the right of citizens to vote by disenfranchising them. Protecting democracy by eliminating
political opponents instead of by beating them at the ballot box.


bit cruncher
Local time
Today, 07:48
Mar 17, 2004
his henchmen
It's easy to see from the language you use that--like Trump--you are thoughtful and considerate in the choice of your words, and that you always take a balanced view of developments, not jumping to conclusions, or going off--as they say--half-cocked. I mean, what I really admire is the invitation you seem to extend to others to enter into a fair and balanced discussion, in an real issues-based approach to debate. You just really expose for us all sides of the issues, and after reading your posts, I feel like I have a much more multi-dimensional understanding of the dynamics of the events you discuss. This is why I see Trump, and fair minded followers of his--like yourself--as such a refreshing development in the context of that flourishing democracy the United States holds up as a beacon for other nations of the world to respect and admire.
Keep up the good work, and Happy New Year!!!

Steve R.

Local time
Today, 10:48
Jul 5, 2006
It's easy to see from the language you use that--like Trump--you are thoughtful and considerate in the choice of your words, and that you always take a balanced view of developments, not jumping to conclusions, or going off--as they say--half-cocked. I mean, what I really admire is the invitation you seem to extend to others to enter into a fair and balanced discussion, in an real issues-based approach to debate. You just really expose for us all sides of the issues, and after reading your posts, I feel like I have a much more multi-dimensional understanding of the dynamics of the events you discuss. This is why I see Trump, and fair minded followers of his--like yourself--as such a refreshing development in the context of that flourishing democracy the United States holds up as a beacon for other nations of the world to respect and admire.
Keep up the good work, and Happy New Year!!!
I guess you only can hear through one ear since you seem deaf and oblivious to the vile denigrating language Biden and his partisan followers spew all the time. And Happy New Year to you too 🎉🎉🎉.
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Mike Krailo

Well-known member
Local time
Today, 10:48
Mar 28, 2020
Nice, the Supreme Court has spoken and yet again, we see how awful the current administration has been about going after a presidents necessary privilege's by simply treating him as someone with less authority. This could have gone the other way if there had been a corrupt Supreme Court in place, but clearly we still have a court that understands the presidential power and this goes both ways for both parties, so don't think it is some one sided decision. This whole thing is just a sham political prosecution to attack the political rival. Never seen anything like it.


Access World Site Owner
Staff member
Local time
Today, 15:48
Sep 28, 1999
I just saw an article on the Georgia election interference case. The DA hired her lover (a lawyer) as part of the team, and that lawyer spent two 8 hour sessions at the White House. Could this be viewed as corrupt and suspicious?



Registered User.
Local time
Today, 07:48
May 22, 2010

Steve R.

Local time
Today, 10:48
Jul 5, 2006
... we see how awful the current administration has been about going after a presidents necessary privilege's by simply treating him as someone with less authority.
Executive Privilege is a well known historic privilege that allows the president and his staff to communicate in private. It would seem that every president would want to protect that fundamental privilege for effective governance. Surprisingly, the Biden administration, in terms of Trump, has apparently waived that privilege so that Democrats can obtain Trump's privileged communication to use it as ammunition for their bogus attacks on Trump. This is another flagrant example of Democrats not comprehending that they are establishing a precedent where they themselves could have all their (embarrassing) privileged communications dumped into the public domain when a Republican becomes president.

Biden Refuses to Protect Executive Privilege
Even Dershowitz condemned the Democrats for proposing to waive Trumps "Executive Privilege".
“The best thinking is that an incumbent president cannot waive the right of the previous president. It would make a mockery of the whole notion of privilege,” Dershowitz continued.

Pat Hartman

Super Moderator
Staff member
Local time
Today, 10:48
Feb 19, 2002
The remaining few rational Democrats have finally reached the limits of their endurance. They are speaking out. We can't say the same about the RINOs. They view DJT as public enemy #1. That's why the primaries will be exceptionally important this year, unless of course the RNC decides we don't need any. The RINOs need to go.

Biden is going to be really sorry he refused to protect Executive privilege because now HE has none either:eek: How stupid was that move?


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 07:48
May 22, 2010
Yeah, the droning of civilians must be illegal on some level, Obama.

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