Recent content by BrianFawcett

  1. B

    Add Notes to Label or Text box

    I would like to add a pop up Note to either a text box or its label, like you can do in Excel. Does anyone know if this type of functionality exits.
  2. B

    Sending Report via Outlook

    Fantastic, thanks.
  3. B

    Sending Report via Outlook

    I am trying to automate sending reports from a database. I found some code and it looks like it's working, but the email doesn't generate. Can someone help me out. Here is my code: Private Sub SendCODConflicts_Click() DoCmd.RunMacro "SaveCODConflictReport", 1 Dim strAttach1 As String Set...
  4. B

    Displaying Currency in Thousands

    I am working on a forecasting report that has many values, mostly in the millions of dollars. I would like to display my $ fields in the thousands of $ so that I can make the text font larger and most easily readable. How do I do this so that instead of, for instance, $2,259,123, I display...
  5. B

    Finding Last Date in a Series of Records

    I am trying to build some reporting to forecast when orders will be completely shipped. I have orders that have variable amounts of parts and each part can have a different expected ship date. I want to group together the orders by $ and by the last expected ship date. How can I write an...
  6. B

    Writing an IIf Like String statment

    plog, What I am trying to do is see if the first 6 characters in ONAME are also in JNAME, so can I say: IIf Left(OName, 6) LIKE JName
  7. B

    Writing an IIf Like String statment

    I have to fields in a database, OName and JName. I am trying to write a query to see if I can find matches by comparing the first 6 characters in OName to the JName field. I know it is something like: dim Name1 as string IIf OName(Left,6) Like JName but I cannot get it right. Can someone...
  8. B

    Comparing Two Text Fields

    I have a table that has two Company name and addresses fields from differnent ERP systems. I have a few examples below. How can I use wildcards to try to match the names to see if the systems have the same addresses. ACCNT_NAME - SIEBEL MASTERS MATES & PILOTS THE HOLLAR COMPANY #2 LAMOREAUX DR...
  9. B

    Problem with creating New Field

    I am trying to create the new field [Ordered] below, but the second IIf statement returns the value "WEBUSER", not the Orgainization Name which I am looking for. I have tried to rewrite it a couple of different ways but nothing seems to work. Can someone help. Here is my statement: Ordered...
  10. B

    Import MS Outlook Information

    I am not even sure if this is possible, but can you import the From, Subject, Received information from a MS Outlook mailbox into an Access table. I would like to be able to track who and when emails are coming into a mailbox.
  11. B

    Removing Spaces from a Field

    I have a database which is being passed records from another database. The Reference number I am being given has a number of spaces in the value, i.e. - "B25601 - 111128 - 1". I would like to remove the spaces so the field is "B25601-111128-1". I know TRIM can be used to remove leading and...
  12. B

    Cannot Find My Syntax Error

    I am trying to write this UPDATE code below and I am getting a syntax and cannot for the life of me find it. Can someone with a fresh pair of eyes help me out. strUpdateADMINRecord = "UPDATE [Data Table]" & _ "SET [AAM Approved] = '" & ![AAM Approval] & "', [AAM Date...
  13. B

    Having Trouble Adding IIF to Select Statement

    I tried adding the WHERE statement as part of the SELECT, but it is not working. I believe I cannot place it there. Here is my code. SELECT REPORTTempTable.[QA Date Approved], REPORTTempTable.[QA Rep], Count(REPORTTempTable.[InHouse Ref]) AS [CountOfInHouse Ref]...
  14. B

    Having Trouble Adding IIF to Select Statement

    I am trying to get a count on the field [InHouse Ref] in the instances where the field [Order Type] has a value of "ACE" or "Supplies" or "Rebill". Does this help?
  15. B

    Having Trouble Adding IIF to Select Statement

    I am creating a report and and trying to add an IIF statement to my SELECT, but cannot get the syntzx correct. Can someone help me add the IIF below to the SELECT below. Thanks. IIF [Order Type] = "ACE" or "Supplies" or "Rebill" SELECT Count(REPORTTempTable.[InHouse Ref]) AS...
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