Recent content by Chewstar

  1. C

    Switchboard Open on Startup

    it helps anyway lol that was my next questoin :) thanks
  2. C

    Switchboard Open on Startup

    ok thanks i will check it out. i thought there would be something simple i missed :)
  3. C

    Switchboard Open on Startup

    Is there i way so that when you open up your database you can get your Switchboard to open up??? is there a simple box to click to make it do this that i am missing or is it some VB code? Help please thanks alot l33tskyline aka Chewstar
  4. C

    Wildcard Problems.

    It works thanks again
  5. C

    Wildcard Problems.

    i give it a try thanks for the help :P
  6. C

    Wildcard Problems.

    This is making me mad now :mad: i want a query to search for what a user inputs into the query. but for example if i seach in a field wheres there is one or more words in it. eg. I want to search my table for a address (60 donnington road etc) so in the user input box i type "donnington" but i...
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