Recent content by Glowackattack

  1. G

    Returning Counts of different criteria

    Sweet, thanks :) I think this is exactly what i was looking for.
  2. G

    Returning Counts of different criteria

    Thanks Adam, i havent used those before, i'll have to look it up.
  3. G

    Returning Counts of different criteria

    Hi, I have a query built and what i want to do is count the number of records that meet date criteria. To illustrate, these are the fields i need Company, Branch, Count of records within past month, Count of records within past 3 months, count of records within past year, Count of records...
  4. G

    Allow Edits, deletions, additions properties change by themselves

    Hi, I've got a database that has a form with multiple subforms on it, and on occasion the properties on one of the subforms will change so that Allow edits, deletions, and additions gets set to "no", i can change them back and save the form, but it eventually happens again. I've read of this...
  5. G

    Export field as a number when exporting to excel

    Thats great, thanks!! CDbl(DLookUp("[UV]","[Tbl_UVs]","[UV_Date]=#" & DateAdd("D",-1,DateAdd("M",-1,DateAdd("D",1,[UV_Date]))) & "# and [SDIO]='" & Forms!Frm_Funds!SDIO & "'")) AS [Prior Month UV] just for completeness in case anyone else needs it. :)
  6. G

    Export field as a number when exporting to excel

    Oops, beat me to it. Thanks very much. :)
  7. G

    Export field as a number when exporting to excel

    The field is actually pulling a "double" data type, is there a similar converter for that?? Thanks very much for the quick responses.
  8. G

    Export field as a number when exporting to excel

    [CODE] SELECT Tbl_Funds.Cusip, Tbl_UVs.SDIO, Tbl_Funds.[Fund Name], Tbl_UVs.UV_Date, Tbl_UVs.UV, DLookUp("[UV]","[Tbl_UVs]","[UV_Date]=#" & DateAdd("D",-1,DateAdd("M",-1,DateAdd("D",1,[UV_Date]))) & "# and [SDIO]='" & Forms!Frm_Funds!SDIO & "'") AS [Prior Month UV], ([UV]/[Prior Month UV])-1 AS...
  9. G

    Export field as a number when exporting to excel

    I have a query that when i export to an excel file has a calculated field that shows up as a "number stored as text" error, is there a way i can format that field so that when it exports it is exported as a number?? Thanks for your help in advance!!
  10. G

    Example VB Script to show records like *AAA*

    Beautiful, thanks very much, thats exactly what i was looking for.
  11. G

    Example VB Script to show records like *AAA*

    I'm looking for the VB syntax, I've tried a number of things stLinkCriteria = "[Case Name]=" & "*" stLinkCriteria = "[Case Name]=" & "'*'" to start just to try to find the syntax. Can i use "Like" in that Visual Basic statement??
  12. G

    Example VB Script to show records like *AAA*

    Hi, i have a button that i want to open a form and only show records that have *AAA* in a certain field, and i cant get the wildcard characters to work...can someone post an example so i can see the syntax?? Thanks for the help.
  13. G

    Default value of a parameter in a query

    Hi, I have a query set up right now to accept a user's input for a specific field on a report, and i'd like that inputbox to default to a certain text string based on an expression. Right now it always shows up as blank. Can i do this??
  14. G

    Report subtotal "#Error"

    Thanks for the responses guys, I've tried the NZ function to no avail, if i remember correctly that fixes "#Value" errors, not "#Error". I also played around with your suggestion, Paul, but was not able to get that to show anything other than the same "#Error" value. Here is what i just...
  15. G

    Report subtotal "#Error"

    Hi, I have a set of individual reports that are combined to create one whole report. There is a summary page, and then subsequent breakdowns of each of the summary points on following pages. When one of the breakdowns does not have any information to show, the subtotal and total sections at...
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