Recent content by Harris21

  1. H

    MsgBox Help

    Great! Thank worked like a charm! Thank you!! Simon
  2. H

    MsgBox Help

    Hello, I have a form that need a MsgBox to pop up when the 'BUI' is XOS and the date value 'Text118' is blank, i have used the following code. If Me.BUI.Value = "XOS" And Me.Text118.Value = "" Then MsgBox "This has yet to be sent to TA: Danny/Lee for Approval", vbOKOnly, Reminder End If i...
  3. H

    Networking Days

    Still getting an error, :( any ideas? Si
  4. H

    Networking Days

    I have put the code in a stand alone one that u then call into the query, The Expresion shows as follows, Expr1: BusinessDays([Request Received],[WRA Date]) and the Module is set to 'Public Function' Thanks, Simon
  5. H

    Networking Days

    Thank you for your quick response, I have used the code stated in your thread for Business Days and created a Module, when i call this from a Query and try to run it, an error appears, Undefined Function 'BusinessDays' in Expression Any Ideas? Simon
  6. H

    Networking Days

    Hello, I have looked around trying to find a solution to the same old problem of trying to calculate how many Working Days are between two dates in a query, I found some code that works great except when one of the dates is blank, (Brings up a debug error!). This is really annoying me, is there...
  7. H

    Advanced Conditional Formatting

    Just one more thing, i've tryed to change the colour of a textbox border but it dosen't seem to be doing it... Any suggestions? Sorry to be a pest!
  8. H

    Advanced Conditional Formatting

    Just added an Else and it works like a charm!! :D Thanks for your help!!!!
  9. H

    Advanced Conditional Formatting

    That worked mate thanks!! :D But one problem, as you move through the records and you come across a request that isen't an SSR then the ForColor is still RED when it should be Black, do i need to add a Else?
  10. H

    Advanced Conditional Formatting

    Thanks for the quick responce, So im going to have to look at code like... if request type is SSR then set Invoice Approver Label text colour to gray? But obviously in code! LOL! :D Any ideas on the type of code required?
  11. H

    Advanced Conditional Formatting

    Hello, i was wondering if anyone could help me out, I have a form on my database that I require some advanced Conditional Formatting on. I require my Invoice approver Label & Invoice Approver Textbox to be faded or locked if the Request Type equals 'SSR'. I have been able to change the...
  12. H

    DCount Multiple Criteria

    Sorry, i copyed it wrong! :o It works GREAT!!!!! Thanks alot!! :D
  13. H

    DCount Multiple Criteria

    Thanks CraigDolphin that dose make a lot of sense but unfortunately the value it's returning is still 0, would there be any other way of doing this, such as a Module?
  14. H

    DCount Multiple Criteria

    Thank you for you reply, but the value it returns is 0 when it should be around 46, :( is there any way to say count the CGT Ref where Request type is IX that was received in the month of April 2007?
  15. H

    DCount Multiple Criteria

    Additional Help Hello, I am having a few problems regarding this, i want to count records in a query that Request type is equal to IX and Request Received is > 30/03/2007 and <01/05/2007. I used the below code but to no avail. When Run the value that is given is always 0! =DCount("[CGT...
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