Recent content by joeyreyma

  1. joeyreyma

    Treeview problem

    try this one: Me!MyTree.Nodes.Clear Put it before you load the nodes and just substitute your Treeview control name to MyTree.
  2. joeyreyma

    How to eliminate the system check-boxes?

    try: DoCmd.SetWarnings FALSE you append/delete query goes here DoCmd.SetWarnings TRUE
  3. joeyreyma

    Need query help...

    pat's remarks is correct and practical, but maybe you can try this one. it's not efficient though and i do not recommend especially if the db is big. SELECT Main.quotenumber, nz(
  4. joeyreyma

    error in making mde file

    any code behind forms/reports/controls??? try to check...
  5. joeyreyma

    Running Sum

    hi, i tried to make a duplicate of what you're trying to do and come up with a sample database, which i attached. pls. check if this is what you want. i use not code but query. hope is suits your requirements. your friendly embalmer, joey
  6. joeyreyma

    List Box Problem

    check the following properties of your lstEpisode: 1. Rowsource 2. Column Count 3. Bound Column the Bound Column of list box should be relevant to ITURegNo.
  7. joeyreyma

    shortcut keys

    i see no problem with your code, however, you may have forgotten to set the Key Preview property of the Form to YES. Key Preview = Yes
  8. joeyreyma

    Cancel event is saving the record, anyway.

    try: Private Sub btnCancel_Click() Dim ctl as Control 'checks if record changes after last save If Me.Dirty Then 'restore all controls (NOTE: types could be added) For Each ctl in Me.Controls If TypeOf ctl is acTextBox or TypeOf ctl is...
  9. joeyreyma

    Landscape mode

    Try to check which printer do you spool. In the PRINTER group of PAGE tab of the PAGE SETUP form, choose the DEFAULT PRINTER button.
  10. joeyreyma


    Hello (",) You have a vague description. if you could be more specific, i might help you. or, you can send me your program so that i can check every details. (if you do send, send a A97 version).
  11. joeyreyma


    Loop through all the members of the Tabledefs collection. eg: Public Sub ListTables() Dim tbl As TableDef For Each tbl In CurrentDb.TableDefs Debug.Print tbl.Name Next End Sub this one displays all tables in the debug window, just customize it to...
  12. joeyreyma

    Subtracting days from a date

    with or without parenthesis, Garswoods' code will still run.
  13. joeyreyma

    What did the user do on this form?

    Billy, Surely you cannot disable the "X" button on the Access Application window with a simple code but you can set the the Modal and PopUp property of the main form to True so that they could be inaccessible. joie [This message has been edited by joeyreyma (edited 08-27-2001).]
  14. joeyreyma

    Return Partial String

    try: PartialString = Mid$(MainString,5,Len(MainString) - (5+4))
  15. joeyreyma

    making text bold in message boxes

    check this statement: MsgBox "Wrong button!@This button doesn't work.@Try another.", _ vbOKOnly + vbExclamation it will print the first line in bold!!!
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