Recent content by katmando

  1. K

    Importing Text

    I want to import a text file that is one continuous string at present when i try to import the file it treats the data as one row. I would like to split so that a new row is created wherever an apostrophe appears in the string IE (') I can use this as the delimiter when importing as one row...
  2. K

    Find Function

    Is there a function similar to the find function in excel which will return the starting postion of a charcter in a string and allow you to set the position for seaching IE I want to know at what postion the second ":" starts at in the following string :UNIONSTREET.GLA:2003100
  3. K

    Importing Table

    Thanks For That Clerics, looks like what i need. Cheers
  4. K

    Conditions In Macros

    Thanks for that,, but how does this query fit into the condition field of the macro?
  5. K

    Conditions In Macros

    Hello All I've got a macro that runs a load of individual querys, I want to be only run the querys if a value in a particular table is above a cetain value The table that holds this value has only one cell. I have tried the following condition ("[tbltest2]","sumofexpr1")>8 But this does not...
  6. K

    Importing Table

    I'll have a look on the site. I tried linking direct from excel but had a problem as one of the fields in question had numbers and text in when bouught through to access the numbers would disappear. I tried converting to text but, no luck, hence converting the table to a csv file. Cheers
  7. K

    Importing Table

    I have a linked csv table into access, and have a make table query which runs off this. When i first build and run the query it runs fine, but when i run it again I get the following problem "numeric field overflow" I have checked all the data types, they match fine..... The thing that i cannot...
  8. K

    Make table

    I have 3 tables with which i want to extract columns from each of them and place them into a new table. The problem i have is that none of the tables share a common member. each table contains the same amount o rows spo when outputted to the new table will match up
  9. K

    Make Table Query

    When you import a table its gives you the option to give each row a unique reference (i.e. 1,2,3) I want to be able to do the same when doing my make table query Thanks
  10. K

    Make Table Query

    When using a make table query, can you include an ID tag. in the output table? if so how
  11. K

    Triming text

    store address city postcode (SOLIHULL) 17 MILL LANE ARCADE TOUCHWOOD e146 at present there would be a bracket round the store Cheers from london
  12. K

    Triming text

    I've got an address in one field which i want to seperate by store, address, city and postcode. The problem I have is that the bits I want to seperate out have vairable lenghts so using a left or mid function with a set length does not work Sample of field (SOLIHULL) 17...
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