Recent content by lopiner

  1. L

    Subtracting Arrays

    vbaInet Thanks for the reply. I understand that, i was just hoping that i could use a library like the one from Excel for the subtraction that could improve the speed. I have to subtract approximately 5 million arrays and any improvement in speed would be great.
  2. L

    Subtracting Arrays

    Hi to all. I'm making some calculations based on a multi array and i wanted to subtract two arrays but i cannot seem to accomplish that without an expensive loop. Here is my code: Dim TrainingResults as DAO.Recordset Dim NormalizedPricesArray As Variant Dim ArrArrayX As Variant Dim ArrArrayY...
  3. L

    Compile Error - Referencing Fields not present in Form

    Hi, I'm still having this problem. I have a form with a record source that includes a text field named "TextField" but this field is not the control source for any object in the form. I normally can check the value of this field in VBA that appears with just one property that is .value I cannot...
  4. L

    Double Slider ActiveX Control

    Sorry to insist on this but no one knows of such of a control?
  5. L

    Double Slider ActiveX Control

    darbid Thanks for the help and suggestion. That works and would be my last resort solution, just hopped that i could achieve this with just one control being like an overlap of the two sliders in your solution. The perfect solution would be some like the control in the picture but i cant find...
  6. L

    Double Slider ActiveX Control

    smig Thanks for your suggestion. Unfortunately they do not have a double Slider, just the conventional one where you can select one value. I was looking for one similar or equal to the picture where you can graphically select an interval of values, like dates (From 2001-01-01 to 2002-02-02) so...
  7. L

    Double Slider ActiveX Control

    Hi, Sorry if I'm posting in the wrong place but didn't saw a more appropriate one. I'm looking for an ActiveX control similar to the Microsoft Slider Control in Access but with a double arrow that one can select an interval of values instead of just one value. This is an example of what I'm...
  8. L

    Compile Error - Referencing Fields not present in Form

    DCrake Thanks for the reply. I'm using Access 2003
  9. L

    Compile Error - Referencing Fields not present in Form

    Hi to all I have decompiled my file to clean up old compile states but i have a problem now. I have several references in VBA to fields that are "pulled" from the rowsource but are not actually a inserted field in the form. This way i don't have lots of invisible fields when i just need the...
  10. L

    Microsoft Web Browser Style

    darbid Thanks a lot, that works fine. I had just a little problem in the beginning because i didn't had the "Microsoft HTML Object Library" in my references. Thanks again.
  11. L

    Microsoft Web Browser Style

    Sure, here is an real example: Avenue of the Americas+New York+NY 10020+United States&zoom=14&size=400x450&maptype=roadmap&sensor=false Thanks for the help
  12. L

    Microsoft Web Browser Style

    I'm an FF fan too. Unfortunately the IT guys from my company don't allow us to have FF ( i have because i have cried a little :D) so the application would not work with FF on other machines. I'm not constructing the html, just the URL like this: Private Sub Form_Open(Cancel As Integer) Dim...
  13. L

    Microsoft Web Browser Style

    Broderic: I have installed Firefox but cannot find a ActiveX for a Firefox Web Browser control. darbid: I'm using it to construct a URL of google maps and display a static image like this one: Link The result is this Link Thanks for the help
  14. L

    Microsoft Web Browser Style

    Thanks for the reply darbid The ActiveX control doesn't have a specific menu for properties like many others, just the common properties of an access object. In that properties there is the special effect and is set to Flat. If i change it to sunken then the sunken effect is doubled. I have...
  15. L

    Microsoft Web Browser Style

    Thanks for the reply HiTechCoach I cant seem to find a version for it. In the controls list the name is just "Microsoft Web Browser" and in the properties there isn't information about the version. I'm using Access 2003. I don't know if this control is part of the Internet Explorer but my...
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