Recent content by philosofe

  1. P

    Whats wrong in this code

    Hi there, I've noticed that, using European date formatting (dd/mm/yyyy), without extra formatting Dec. 1st becomes Jan 12th when passing the value to SQL - so try enclosing the dates withing a Format(<Field>, "mm/dd/yyyy") and it should work. Not beautiful, but functional. Of course, this...
  2. P

    Create a graph in MS Excel from MS Access

    Hi there BrokenBiker, If you chart it in Excel, you can create a Pivot Chart based on the entire columns (A:B rather than A2:B13 like in the above example). Since it gives you the option to filter out the blanks you'll get the correct amount of columns. The only inconvenience would be that the...
  3. P

    Question Supressing error msg "3043 - Disk or network error"

    Hi Matt! That error (438) ocurrs for objects that don't have a .ControlSource, for example a button. I did have that problem when first writing that piece of code, but with the On Error Resume Next it was solved. Of course, in the preceeding IF-statement you could easily add And Not...
  4. P

    Updating data in "Find Record" combo box when current record on a form is changed

    Re: Updating data in "Find Record" combo box when current record on a form is changed Ah ok. Try moving the CmdFindRecipe = Me.txtName to Form_Current. That should do the trick.
  5. P

    Updating data in "Find Record" combo box when current record on a form is changed

    Re: Updating data in "Find Record" combo box when current record on a form is changed Hi Mel, Does the combobox actually have 2 columns, the PK and the name? In that case you can't pass the name to the combobox, but the AutoNumber value instead: Private Sub Form_Current()...
  6. P

    Run-Time Error 2465 in Controls syntax

    Hi there, Access help says: So if you change it to Forms!frmBookList!fsubSubjectsBook.Controls("ID" & i).Value = "" it should work
  7. P

    Email from Contact List Folder

    Hi there Brian, Yes you can send faxes directly through VBA to RighFax, just have a look at this thread (I'll do the same for our department, never thought about it before, but it'll definately save time - thanks for the good idea Brian...
  8. P

    Invalid database object reference

    Ok, so the MS KB has got a description of the error at According to this, it's a DAO-realated error. Is there any open form that's got code set to run OnClose, referencing a linked source?
  9. P

    Question Supressing error msg "3043 - Disk or network error"

    From where is the code launched? If it's from another sub's or function's error handler, you'll have to pass the two parameters: Call Form_Error(Err.Number, 0) For the second error, did you remove the On Error Resume Next? Thing is I got the same msg, but it won't (shouldn't) affect controls...
  10. P

    Require Data Entry in field w/in Form

    Hi again, yup that message box is created by the If MsgBox("Do you want to undo any changes?", vbYesNo, "Confirm") = vbYes Then Me.Undo End If If you don't want that message to show, just comment those lines out - but the users won't be given the option to undo the data entry in case of...
  11. P

    Require Data Entry in field w/in Form

    Hi Laurel, Try changing the first part to If IsNull(Me.Title) Then MsgBox "You must enter an Engagement Title.", vbCritical, "Data entry error..." Me.Title.BorderColor = vbRed Me.Title.SetFocus Cancel = True End If However, if the control's formatting is sunken, the change...
  12. P

    Create a graph in MS Excel from MS Access

    Hi there, For our reporting we use pre-formatted Excel files like templates and export whatever values we want to that document. If that's what you need you can have a look at the attached example. The root folder has got a subfolder called _Template containing the graphics and a sheet...
  13. P

    Invalid database object reference

    Hi Jacob, We've had a similar problem here with a couple of dbs, where doing the earlier mentioned sollutions didn't work. What solved the issue for us was creating a new db, importing table definitions only, then launching an append query (I don't know exactly why this worked, but perhaps a...
  14. P

    Question Supressing error msg "3043 - Disk or network error"

    Hi again Matt! Sorry for getting back to you a bit later that I said, but what with Christmas and all... Now that I’m tired of all the food, let’s have a look at this: You seem to suffer the same problems we did – we had to replace a box since it was failing so much (and therefore causing...
  15. P

    Question Supressing error msg "3043 - Disk or network error"

    Hi there Matt, I'll be happy to help out, I'm out of town this week though, will post the code as soon as I return. I the meantime, I'll give you a few pointers: - The temporary tamble should be an exact copy of the BE one. That way you can just loop through the temp table copying all the...
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