Recent content by qwertyjjj

  1. Q

    missing $ currency type

    The currency is the correct one, it displays £ for UK. But I also need to list $ and Euros. Euros is already there as a separate entry in the properties. ANy way to add dollars?
  2. Q

    missing $ currency type

    Sorry, that is what I mean. When I go to Properties and select currency, there is no dollar sign in there. Only £ and Euros The Currency default is £ There is a separate entry under it called Euro with the Euro sign. No dollars though ?
  3. Q

    missing $ currency type

    I have a form and have tried to list the currency types in it but it doesn't display the $ sign, hence anything with dollars, I have to put in a general number. ANy ideas on how to get it listed in Access or VB ?
  4. Q

    automation error

    I recently installed Excel 2007 and now my code is falling over. It failes on this line: oSheet.Range("A2").CopyFromRecordset rs None of the references in the VB window have changed so any ideas? I'm using DAO: Private Sub cmd_Export_Click() 'MsgBox...
  5. Q

    macro and pivottable

    This code seems to work but it seems to put in the data incorrectly when the number of worksheets differs. It retrieves data from a database and runs the pivottable wizard, which puts all data for the codes ZCCA etc. into a different worksheet. Problem is that when it's now run, there are some...
  6. Q

    strange error

    when error tracking is turned off the error never appears. However, when I put back on error goto, it happens again. ! Anyway to check for a database connection in the error handling and then reconnect somehow?
  7. Q

    trying to refresh data

    SQL 2000. Doesn't SQL express come with some sort of analyzer? If it has enterprise manager then you can right click on stored procedures, goto new, and then put some sql code in.
  8. Q

    trying to refresh data

    Yep just type it into the query analyzer and run it. After that if you need to change it you need to use ALTER PROCEDURE
  9. Q

    trying to refresh data

    Code goes: CREATE PROCEDURE namehere AS SELECT fieldname, fieldname, fieldname FROM tablename GO
  10. Q

    trying to refresh data

    nope, same error. It's almost like it's expecting a SQL query but because all the data came from a stored procedure on the server it doesn't know what to order by
  11. Q

    trying to refresh data

    immediately after this line Me.frmSubLedgerFull.Form.OrderBy = "invoice_no" but it first goes to the subform's code and runs: Private Sub Form_Current() Me.Parent!txtinvno = invoice_no End Sub then returns to the on error part of the option groups Microsoft site says: 3129 error is...
  12. Q

    trying to refresh data

    Does the code look correct though? Have I closed off all recordsets in order to be able to rquery, etc. The data is in a back end sql server so I'm not sure I could send it over with the db?
  13. Q

    trying to refresh data

    frmLedgerFull has the radio buttons
  14. Q

    trying to refresh data

    try this cut down version
  15. Q

    trying to refresh data

    sadly not, it's 4Mb and the max upload is only 350k or something.
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