Recent content by raphael99

  1. R

    option radiobutton pass a value to another form in letter

    If Sesso.Value = 1 Then Forms!FRMnuovoPaziente!Sesso.Value = "M" ElseIf Sesso.Value = 2 Then Forms!FRMnuovoPaziente!Sesso.Value = "F" End If I solved this way: Thanks anyway for hint
  2. R

    option radiobutton pass a value to another form in letter

    No sorry to be in hurry. There are some point I must clear: When I press Calcola it populated the form nuovo paziente but then it closed the form so the next command from subroutine to update Sesso does not works. I should populated also sesso before push calcola
  3. R

    option radiobutton pass a value to another form in letter

    ahhhhhh. put it in before update and it works like a charm. Many thanks
  4. R

    option radiobutton pass a value to another form in letter

    @sneuberg. The code is right and it works, but there is a question that "Uomo" or "Donna" must selected before than "calcola". Infact when I press "calcola" all the data in form FRMNuovoPaziente are filled. All is done by that button. Any hint?
  5. R

    option radiobutton pass a value to another form in letter

    In the Frame Sesso there are two radio button. When selected the Uomo I would like to write an M on another textbox in another form When selected the Donna I would like to write an F on another textbox in another form
  6. R

    option radiobutton pass a value to another form in letter

    Hi I'm going to select case 1 to pass that value (in letter "M") to another form textbox: I'm trying with no avail the following: Private Sub radioUomo_GotFocus() ' radiobutton Dim strUomo As String Select Case radioUomo Case 1 strUomo = Forms!FRMnuovoPaziente.Sesso.M Case*2: strUomo =...
  7. R

    Union of two textbox in one form passed to another textbox different form

    pbaldy...solved. exactly with that code. Many thanks
  8. R

    Union of two textbox in one form passed to another textbox different form

    I try this way: I got FRM A: two textbox inside (1)Firstname 2) Lastname) I would like to copy the union of the both separated by space into another form B textbox (FirstnameLastname) example FORM A: firstname : SPRINGSTEEN lastname: BRUCE into FORM B...
  9. R

    Split surname and name in two strings

    Can you please show an example? I suppose it is the second I right? Using the second code it is the same: it splits like this LASTNAME: VAN Firstname: HALEN ROBERT
  10. R

    Split surname and name in two strings

    Hi MissingLinq your code: Me.LastName = Left(Me.Wholename, InStr(Me.Wholename, " ")) Me.FirstName = Right(Me.Wholename, Len(Me.Wholename) - InStr(Me.Wholename, " ")) Does works nice. But there is a problem. What if the name is for example more words. in eg. Van Helen Robert Infact the code...
  11. R

    Split surname and name in two strings

    Hi I have surname and name in the same column. I want them separate (splitted) For the surname I use : Firstname = Split(fullname," ")(0) and that return firstname. All is ok. But afetr there is a space and then the name. How to extract the name after the space?
  12. R

    Requery forms closed error

    Solved: If CurrentProject.AllForms("FRMMeseCorrentePIP").IsLoaded Then Forms![FRMMeseCorrentePIP].[FRMSottomaschera QueryPIPMeseCorrenteConcatRelated].Form.Requery End If If CurrentProject.AllForms("FRMMesePrecedentePIP").IsLoaded Then Forms!FRMMesePrecedentePIP.[FRMSottomaschera...
  13. R

    Requery forms closed error

    Hi. I have one form (FRMPIP) which has a button to save data and requery 2 forms Forms![FRMMesePrecedentePIP].[FRMSottomaschera QueryPIPConcatRelatedsuMesePrecedente].Form.Requery Forms![FRMMeseCorrentePIP].[FRMSottomaschera QueryPIPMeseCorrenteConcatRelated].Form.Requery The two lines of code...
  14. R

    Requery Subform

    Solved Tieval. Simply put on mainform Me.[FRMSottomaschera QueryPIPConcatRelatedsuMesePrecedente].Requery on Activate e on SetFocus property. No more error 2450, and it requery and update the form. Thanks for your suggestion . :o
  15. R

    Requery Subform

    Have set up a trick. On the mainform when clicking subform is requeryed. For the moment I can accept before engaging an update query that I should study. But another problem has arised. If the mainform containing the subform is closed when I go to entry data from PIPForm I get error 2450...
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