Recent content by spinkung

  1. S

    run stored proc and release vba

    hi i want to run a stored proc on one of our servers but the proc can take a while to run. It means that the access db can't be used until it completes. I'd like to fire it from vba but then release the access db and just have it running on the server so the user can go on using the access db...
  2. S

    vba .OldValue not working

    hi i'm trying to use old value on an after update event so i can create an audit of changes. However, the value i'm getting is always the new changed value. do i need to get the value in another event? the control is a bound field to an sql table. thanks :banghead:
  3. S

    clear sql stored proc param list

    hi i am calling a stored proc and passing some params (sql). i need to loop through the execute a few times though before i kill the connection. i getting an error saying there are too many params on the second run through. What i need is to clear the param list once it's executed once. is...
  4. S

    remote access to sql

    Hi i need to provide a customer with an entry form to create media events. Is it possible to give them an access db where they can a) create an event and submit the details to my onsite sql db b) view/edit existing events Thanks
  5. S

    navigation control subform saving

    Hi i've had this a few times now so it's a real pain. Access 2010. one of the forms i load into a navigation form is in datasheet view and some vba re-sizes all the columns as it loads in. However, this then means that when i try to navigate away to another form i always get prompted whether...
  6. S

    SQL Table Valued Function

    resolved: this is the way to use it... Set rst = cnn.Execute("select * from [dbo].[tvf_ASN_bodyShop_header] ('" & myAsn & "')")
  7. S

    SQL Table Valued Function

    thanks so that now leads to the following error... Object variable or with variable not set rst.Open "select * from [dbo].[tvf_ASN_bodyShop_header] ('" & myAsn & "')", cnn, adOpenKeyset, adLockReadOnly
  8. S

    SQL Table Valued Function

    Hi i'm trying to connect to a table valued function on sql (2005) but keep getting the following error: argument are of the wrong type, are out of acceptable range, or in conflict with one another here's the code Dim cnn As ADODB.Connection Dim rst As ADODB.Recordset Set cnn = New...
  9. S

    Select listbox item

    Hi i have a textbox which i want to use to search for entries in a listbox. There are 2 buttons. Search Up & Search Down. When the user searches down it should find the first entry with matching text (InStr). If the search down button is clicked again it should find the next entry. This is...
  10. S

    pdf viewer - adobe 9

    hi following on from this. does anyone know how to unload a pdf. i'm using this to load in a pdf... AcroPDF9.LoadFile (invoicePath & list_invoices.Column(0)) AcroPDF9.setShowToolbar (False) AcroPDF9.setView ("Width") ..but i want to be able to unload too??
  11. S

    pdf viewer - adobe 9

    Hi not sure if this is possible but thought i'd ask. I have a PDF viewer on a form which i load pdf's into via a listbox selection. The listbox source is from pdf's in a folder. When the pdf opens in the viewer i get all the adobe menu options i.e. save, zoom, sign, comment etc. i want to be...
  12. S

    new record in navigation form

    hi i have a form in a navigation subform (access 2010) which i want to go to a new record on load. I don't want to enable the data entry feature as i can't cycle other records?? I've come across this... Private Sub Form_Open(Cancel As Integer) DoCmd.GoToRecord acDataForm, Me.Name...
  13. S

    go to record in navigation form

    thanks i had to do make sure the focus was on the form i was trying to find a record on : Form_frm_PO_employee.Form.userid.SetFocus DoCmd.FindRecord userid, , True, , True
  14. S

    go to record in navigation form

    hi i'm trying to go to a record in a form based on the selected record of a subform. both form are in a navigation form and i get an error when i try to run... DoCmd.GoToRecord acDataForm, "frm_PO_employee", acGoTo, Me.CurrentRecord the error is The object 'frm_PO_employee' isn't open thanks
  15. S

    move to record

    i've tried this... DoCmd.GoToRecord acDataForm, "frm_201_subject", acGoTo, Me.SUB_CODE me.SUB_CODE is usually a 5 char field i.e. F0001, F0002 I don't think i'm using the GoToRecord right as above? can i use the selection value to goto a specific record?
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