Recent content by sstasiak

  1. S

    Entering query criteria through form

    spasticus that's awesome....almost there. the filter is working, but certain combinations of criteria don't filter the correct records. I'll do some testing and post back. Thanks for the help
  2. S

    Entering query criteria through form

    i'm attaching a copy of the relevant tables, forms, queries from my DB so you can review. Please take a look and advise me what I'm doing wrong. I've been trying all suggestions without success.
  3. S

    Entering query criteria through form

    I took the code that you provided and modified it to reflect my field names. One thing I'm confused about are the fields in red. If i'm searching a string, I need to search other tables, because the main table just holds ID#'s. See code: Private Sub Command23_Click() Dim strCriteria As...
  4. S

    Entering query criteria through form

    spasticus Should my subform be my main table in datasheet view?
  5. S

    Entering query criteria through form

    After a search, I found this thread that gives an example of what I'm trying to do. Can anyone tell me how I would modify the query so that I could search by multiple criteria specified through multiple combo boxes and text boxes?
  6. S

    Entering query criteria through form

    I'm going to try this and see how it works out. Could the analyst, system, issue, department, and user criteria be selected from a combo box instead of free text? If the users are selecting data through combo boxes, I'd like them to be able to specify search criteria in a similar manner. How...
  7. S

    Entering query criteria through form

    I'd like it to be displayed in a form(using datasheet view?? would this make it look like a table?) I'd also like to give the user the option, maybe through a button, to export the data to an excel file for data analysis.
  8. S

    Entering query criteria through form

    I've never created a form where query criteria can be entered. I want to be able to sort records by 7 different fields. Fields are analyst, system, issue, department, user, start date, and end date. I'd like to have a form where the user can enter criteria for any combination of fields: ie...
  9. S

    Combo box query

    Thanks for the help guys....I got it working finally. I had to make some corrections in my field types for it to work, but that's something I missed when I first created the tables.
  10. S

    Combo box query

    I followed the instructions above, and in my combo box I'm now seeing the ticketID, of the one open test ticket, but it's showing the ticketID 8 times with ALL 8 analyst names corresponding to ticket #2. It needs to show just the one analyst assigned to the open ticket
  11. S

    Combo box query

    spasticus In the combo box, I need the ticketID, AnalystName, System name, and Issue description. right now I'm getting the ID's for all those fields and not the text. haven't tried your way yet....doing it now.
  12. S

    Combo box query

    Do you want screenshots, or can I actually attach the DB somehow?
  13. S

    Combo box query

    Ray This doesn't seem to work. It shows the correct ID for the analyst assigned to the CURRENT record, but the actual name stays the same no matter what the ID is. Not sure how to do this.... I need the 3 fields I mentioned above to ALL be in the new combo box. When I click the drop down...
  14. S

    Combo box query

    OK, so if I have my main table, tblMain, with the 3 fields in question: AnalystName(data in tblAnalyst with fields[AnalystID] and [AnalystName]), SystemName(data in tblSystem:[SystemID] and [SystemName]), and IssueType(data in tblIssue:[IssueID] and [IssueName]) What would that join query look...
  15. S

    Combo box query

    I don't think I explained correctly.... In my main form, frmIssues, I have 3 combo boxes among other fields. With these 3 combo boxes, you can select: 1. AnalystName 2. SystemName 3. IssueType These combo boxes each get their values from 3 seperate tables: tblAnalyst, tblSystem, and...
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