Recent content by venus_lost

  1. V

    calling up methods from one form to another

    Thanks for that!
  2. V

    calling up methods from one form to another

    Hi I am trying to call up a method from my customer form to my booking form. This is my code: Private Sub cmdMakeBooking_Click() On Error GoTo Err_cmdMakeBooking_Click Dim stDocName As String Dim stLinkCriteria As String stDocName = "tblBooking" DoCmd.OpenForm stDocName, , ...
  3. V

    Passing parameters

    would you be able to elaborate on that a bit more. I have not use that function before. or give me an example. many thanks
  4. V

    Passing parameters

    Hi I wonder if anybody can help me on this i got an access dataabase that stores customer records and on the customer form there is a button to make a booking. Now the question is how do I automatically pick up the customers details when I make the booking, instead of remembering the customer ID...
  5. V

    function calculating ticket prices

    Hi I have created a cinema/theatre datbase and now my problem is I need to create function to do mutilple calculation when a user makes a booking for eg. user could be adult purchasing superior seat. Adult ticket price is $5.50, if it is superior add $1.5 more for the ticket. vice versa...
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