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  1. G

    Date Validation

    Hi everybody I thank mr john and others for helping me in the last post. Once again i am here to disturb u. Can you help to solve this issue i have a form which contains the item details for the particular has a field called opening balance which fetches the closing qty from the...
  2. G

    How to count the no of days?

    How to calculate the number of days from the selected date to current system date? Can some one help me to find solution for this? i am new to the development area.I dont have enough knowledge. i have attached the database .help me to calculate the amount based on the days
  3. G

    Sample Data for bill generation

    Hi all, I need your help. here with i am attaching the Database .anyone can guide me to create a form and table to generate the bill for 15 days and the bill date should be saved.
  4. G

    Save Records?

    How to write vba code to save the details after checking for duplication. in a form Thanks in advance
  5. G

    How to generate bill?

    Hi i have a table called Smp which contains the details like fat,customer name, snf and the date . i want to generate the bill once in 15 days for a particular customer.And it should not allow me to generate for the same vendor for the same date more than once. how to do it? Is there any...
  6. G

    User Transaction

    Can any one give me idea to solve the problem given below? How to track the user transaction like who modified the Record? who added the record and so on Thanks in advance.
  7. G

    Edit Validation

    How to validate or remove the edit provision for particular user? I have a login->Home->Some pages with data sheet view How can it be done to validate? Thank you
  8. G

    Help to create a login form?

    Hi all i am developing a small project which is about billing. I need to restrict the rights for the users. just help me to do it?
  9. G


    ?Helep me to create a login form with user rights
  10. G

    Export to xml

    I have created a project using ms access 2007 forms and generated the reports also. Now i want to export them in xml and import it in tally ERP. Can anyone help me out to do this?
  11. G


    I have created a project using ms access 2007 forms and generated the reports also. Now i want to export them in xml and import it in tally ERP. Can anyone help me out to do this?
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