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  1. S

    Filtering a query using a variable

    Hi ! I'm bit frustrated, I just can't select all in a query. It is allways hard to explain so I have made a small access program to show what I mean. If You start frmProject_Filter and chose Adam Adamsson in the dropdown meny and press "Start Filtering" It start up start up and show a...
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    Finding coordinates for the textcursor

    Hi ! Got stucked... I have no problem to find the coordinates för the mouse pointer but when I tried to get it for the text cursor it won't work. Is there someone who can give me some help // Shas
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    Print any file dont work on new installation

    Hi ! Now I'm totally lost... I have a just installed a new workstation and that use a program developed in access. The code prints an external pdf:file and that works in every old installations but not this new 2201. I have tried with three different way of programming all works on the old...
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    Moving data from one program to another by VBA

    Hi ! I have now started to fin a sollution to move data from access to a non windows program and I need some help... Here is the code... Private Sub Kommandoknapp537_Click() Dim XKordinat, YKordinat As String 'CopyToClip (txtCoustumerNr) '1. This copy the textfield from Access to the...
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    Control a external program

    Hi ! This is a thing that I have tried to solve many times but with no success. I have done a program that explane the issue. I have a embedded PDF file in Access and a whant to set focus on "Foxit" or Adobe or what ever program is used and scroll down to the buttom with a click on button in...
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    Big tables

    Hi I have a question regardig big databases. I have worked with mine since 2008 and there is a lots of data stored and that ofcourse takes time to handle. I want to devide this tables in two. One part that just include the last three years and one for the rest. 99% of the time You reach the data...
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    copy past multiple textfields

    Hi there ! I want to optimize the copy past function between a Access program and a bought program and I need some help The routine today is to copy a text field in Access move to the other program and paste it... This has to be repeated three times for each invoice. My thought is to copy...
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    Keeping a PDF on topp while working with a form

    Hi ! I'm trying to fill in a form based on what a PDF document is showing. As You all know the PDF document is placed behind the Access as soon as it get activated. You have to work with alt tab and switch between the two program while doing this. Its workable but very anoying. Is there any...
  9. S

    Move a pdf from outlook to a dedicated folder

    Hi ! I'm trying to speed up my invoice handeling and the most of it is pretty straight forward. There is one thing though and that must be solved before I start. How do I make a script that move PDF:s from outlook to a dedicated folder and than delete the mail // Shas
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    Overlay or watermarks PDF

    Hi ! I'm new on this forum and I thought I will give it a chans. I have an unsolved problem in my Accesdatabas that I can't find a sollution for... So lets start with a description of the problem... I have a administrationprogram that we use to make our invoices in, nothing stranges, it...
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