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    Hi I have a code that hide the navigation pane (workd great)> The problem is in form, when I click Right Click on the tab it let the users edit the form. how can I disable the right click menu? Docmd.ShowToolBar "Ribbon", acToolBarNo docmd.NavigationTo("acNavigationCategoryObjectType")...
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    Import From Email

    Hi I have a table called ImportEmailsTBL with id, SubjectMail, MSgBody. at outlook: I save my emails to a folder called - TempEmail I would like to scan the folder and import every email to my table (ImportEmailsTBL), the subject of the email will go SubjectMail Field and the body of the maill...
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    Mark yes no in vba

    Hi I have a form with 4 boolean field (mark yes no) called team1,team2,team3,team4 is there away to mark the boxes in vba in a loop ? for example instead of me.team1 = 1 me.team2 = 1 me.team3 = 1 me.team4 = 1 to do something like (this is now working) for i = 1 to 4 = 1 next i Thanks
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    Toolbar at form

    Hi I would like to create a form with RichText textbox because of the font design . I would like to have toolbar that stay always at the top something like Microsft-word is there away to do it?
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    Combo box shows HTML tags

    Hi I created a form with textbox called "task" which is in HTML template. When I click on the save button it save at the databse with HTML tags. I would like to create a combox with the task field so in the source field I chose the table. The problem is the combo box display the HTML tags is...
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    Click from another navigation

    Hi I have 2 navigation the first navigation i have a torm with save button called SaveForm I would like to click on the second navigationbutton and it will active the button SaveForm which is in the first button, how can i do it?
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    Create event on image component

    Hi I have a form with few bounded fields. I created a click event on one of the textbox field, when I click on it I see the description something like MsgBox "you ID is " & me.idSubTask that works fine when I add an image component and create the same code it doesn't work. what I want is to...
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    Save on a different DataBase

    Hi I have a form that insert and update some tables. I would like to insert and update to more than 1 database for backup purposes I don't want to create a scheduler that copy the database to another folder since I am working in a big company and it takes to much to do it is there a way to do it?
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    Fields in a form with vba code

    Hi I have a table with 3 fields (id,Task_id,description) and the values looks like id task_id description -------------------------- 1 1444 aaaaaa 2 1444 bbbbb 3 1555 cccc I would like to create a form with 3 unbound textbox and fill the textbox something like dim rs as recordset dim db...
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    Navigation Button Active

    Hi I have a form with 4 navigation button. at navigationButton109 I have a button component , when I click on it I create an event that make visible the other navigation whcih works great [forms]![TaskNavigation]![NavigationButton113].visible = true the problem is I would like to make this...
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    Error in database shared over a network

    Hello I have a split database shared over a network. From time to time some users get an error message "Microsoft Access has detected that this database is in an inconsistent state’. When you click OK in the error message window “The database ‘xxx.mdb’ can’t be repaired or it is not a Microsoft...
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    Form with combo box filter

    Hi I have a TASKS and EMPLOYEE tables wich connected like task.employeeID = I created a query that join those tables together. I would like to create a form that display all query data and combo box of the employees. The form will filter the data as I select the ceratin emplyee...
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    Solved log off users at certain time

    Hi I have few users that login at the same time and from some reason at the next day sometimes I get an error message about database so I thought of force the users to log off after 8 o'clock (the hour is just an example) . Anyone have an idea how do I do it? Thanks
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    browse for a file

    Hi I would like to create a form with upload file option. the uploda include browse option. everytime I click on the browse it should open a dialog box. which mean it should add the record to the table and for that I create a table with id and links fields I found a code below that open a...
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    multiple sub forms

    Hello I would like to create a form with 3 or more sub forms I don't want to use the control tab since it has few problems Any ideas? maybe an database example? Thanks
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    Replace and update query in vba

    Hi I would like to update a query with special characters like ' the update statement looks loke "update Task set titles = '" & titles & " ' where....." The problem is if I am using "update Task set titles = '" & replace (titles,"'","''") & " ' where....." is save in the database twice of the '...
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    flexible textboxes

    Hello I would like to create a flexible reports with employee and tasks. The number of employee is flexible which mean sometime there are 8 and sometimes there are more and even less. I though of creating textbox for each employee which mean if I have 8 employees it should create 8 textboxs one...
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    Matrix report

    Hello I have a table with few employee, tasks and status_task. I would like to create a report that I will be able to see all employees in a columns and the tasks in a rows something like matrix form Any Ideas? Thanks
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    different colors when there is filter

    Hello I have a table and one of the fields is "status". In the report I would like to paint all backgroud row in green when the status is "done" . if it is not possible I would like to paint all fields in the same row with green Can someone help me with that? regards
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    Manually log off user in vba ms-access

    Hello I have few users that login at the same time. from time to time I would like to upgrade my vb code or forms and for that I need that every one will log off. but I don't want just close, I would like to send a pop up with countdown. my soulution is 1. I have a users table. I added yes/no...
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