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  1. C

    Modulo in SQL expression

    Hi everyone, I wanted to know if there is a way to compute the modulo in an sql expression created in VBA? Thank you in advance for your responses. :)
  2. C

    Outlook Calendar and MS Access

    Hi everyone, I wanted to know if there's a way to implement a calendar in MS Access? In other words, I'd like to create a calendar that act the same way as the Outlook calendar? At first I tought about the calendar control 8.0, but we can't write anything in a square date of the calendar. So...
  3. C

    Problem with a Sql string in vba

    Hi everyone, Here is my problem: I'm trying to open a recordset with the following Sql string Strsql = "SELECT DISTINCT Count([# dossier]) AS Nb_demandes, [Unité responsable] " & _ "FROM (SELECT [table installations 2005].[# dossier], [table installations 2005].[Unité responsable]...
  4. C

    Retrieve System language

    Hi everyone, Does someone know how to determine the language of the OS using VBA? Thanks a lot for your responses! :D
  5. C

    Removing missing Reference with VBA

    Hi everyone, I'm trying to build a module that is verifying the references of my project and adjust them if necessary. It works quite good except when I try to remove the Missing References from the list. here is the code that I use to remove them: With Access.References...
  6. C

    Question about Events and Compilation

    Hi everyone, I try to implement a function that looks for broken references in my Access project, so that I won't need to modify the needed references for every workstation. Here's my problem: Where could I put the call of this function so that this code will run before trying to compile the...
  7. C

    Create a new Excel File in VBA

    Hi everyone, My problem is the following: I execute some queries, and at the end, I have to transfer the result in an Excel file that is not yet created. Here is my problem. I don't know how to create a new Excel file in VBA. I know how to open an existing one, but not creating one. I tried...
  8. C

    email not sent Handler

    Hi everyone, I coded a function to send emails via Access, and it works fine. But I'd like to know if there's a way to catch the error if the email is not sent? Is there a way to catch and handle this error in Access? Thanks in advance for your response! :)
  9. C

    Possible deployment problem...

    Hi everyone, I will have to deploy my access application that I have built with Access 2003 english version on an Access 2003 French version. I wondered whether there could be a problem because of the difference of the language? Thanks for your response.
  10. C

    What is wrong in this querie?

    Hi everyone, Now, I'm totally lost! When I create a query with the Query Design view in Access with this SQL query: SELECT T_Cryzout_Disponibles.LCLCL_Disponibles_Total, T_Cryzout_Disponibles.DateEmission, T_Cryzout_Disponibles.NomReceveur, T_Cryzout_Disponibles.Ordre FROM...
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    Email With an Excel Attachment

    Hi everyone, I'm trying to send an email with an Excel attachment. At first, I tried with the code published by Microsoft that use Outlook, but because of the Warning messages that cannot be bypassed, I'd like to find an other way of doing it. I've eared about the MAPI stuff, but I'm not very...
  12. C

    Accessing textbox value

    Hi everyone, I'd like to know if it is possible to access the value of every textbox that I have on my form in a for loop? Because I Have about 30 textboxes in which the user can enter data, and I want to retreive all of these data and insert them in a matrix. But I don't know how to do that...
  13. C

    Textbox problem

    Hi everyone, My problem is the following: I have a textbox where the user input an amount to be saved in the data base. But when I enter an amount and I get out of the textbox, this one modify itself to put 1 instead. And if I come back in the textbox, the amount that I have previously...
  14. C

    A summing field in Page Footer

    Hi everyone, I don't understand why, if I insert a summing field in the Detail or in Report Foorter, my sum field gives the right result, but if I insert it in the Page Foorter, I get an #Error message. I don't get it. Thanks to help me understand! :)
  15. C

    Counter creation

    Hi everyone, Here is my problem: I Have a form that shows bills in a continuous form. My problem is that I want to put a textbox or a label that will display a kind of counter for each bills. For example, If I have 3 bills to display, I want my label or textbox to display 1 for the first...
  16. C

    ADO connection verification

    Hi everyone, I would like to know if there is a way to verify if an ADODB connection is open? Is there a boolean property that we could check? Thank you in advance!
  17. C

    Relation between tables?

    Hi everyone, I cannot figure out how to link my tables. Here is my problem: I have one main table that contain informations about contracts (No folder, name of the provider, etc.) And I have 12 other tables. Each of them contains informations about one specific type of invoice. for exemple...
  18. C

    Error 3464 with an UPDATE query statement

    Hi everyone, I'm trying to execute an update query by using the DoCmd.RunSQL. Here is my statement: DoCmd.RunSQL "UPDATE T_Facturation SET TotalQuantiteDiesel = TotalQuantiteDiesel + " & Me.TxtQuantiteDiesel.Value & ", " & _ "TotalInst = TotalInst + " & Me.TxtInst.Value & "...
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