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  1. J

    Highlight greatest field in report

    Hi All I have a report that has several fields on age: 0-5, 6-10, 11-13 etc. What I would like is for the field with the greatest value to be highlighted in the report. Is there a simple way to do this? Many Thanks JP
  2. J

    Browse [Find a directory or file] inc subfolder files

    Hi All I've just been looking at this great example on file browsing (as produced by ghudson) and wanted to use one of the examples - either fScanDirSelectFileFromCombo or fScanDirSelectFileFromTable...
  3. J

    Preventing duplicates

    Hi All I have two tables - Services and Performance. Services is a list of Service details and Performance contains performance data on the Services. They are linked by the Service_ID. The Performance table has fields for year and quarter. So, in theory, I can get an overview of how a...
  4. J

    filter subreport from form

    Hi All I have a report called Services. Within the Header I have a Subreport called Performance_Indicators What I would like to be able to do is filter this subreport report using a combobox from a form. I can filter the main report using this method but not the subreport - can this be done...
  5. J

    Add Secure DB User ID to table

    Hi All I have an Access 2000 Database that has been secured using user groups. When you open the database it asks for a name and a password. I want to see who is adding information to the database. Is there a way to add the Name of the user to tables in my database. E.g. If they add a...
  6. J

    Filter Report Using Form

    Hi All I have a macro that I use to open a report using a filter from a form. On the form I have a combo box called cboQuarter. In my macro I add the following to my where condition: [Forms]![frmReports]![cboQuarter]=[qryOutputVariance]![Quarter] This works fine and what I get is a filtered...
  7. J

    SendObject Not working - help me Obi Wan Kenobi

    Hi All I've robbed this code form this forum - thanks v much. And I can get it to work if I put "" marks around stSubject on the DoCmd line. But I don't want people to see "stSubject" but rather the content of stSubject. How can I do this? Sub test() Dim rsEmail As DAO.Recordset Dim...
  8. J

    Add Record - populate Field from Main Form

    I feel like I'm being a bit thick here - hopefully this is the case and this is easy to do. I have a Subform that is linked to a Mainform by a unique key field [FinanceCode]. The sub form shows all the records that are linked. What I want is to, when I click on the create rew record button...
  9. J

    filter a combo box - FilterBySelection applied

    Is it possible to filter a combo box to display only those records available after FilterBySelection has been applied? If so how would I go about it?
  10. J

    Help ... I've done a very stupid thing!

    I have an access database that automatically opens a form when you start it up. It then runs some code to backup the Database and then quits the application. I meant to save a backup of this without the quit application bit. Like the fool that I am - I didn't. Is there a way I can break the...
  11. J

    Duplicate Button that updates autonumber

    I have a form that has several fields. What I would like is to use the duplicate button. The problem I have is that this duplicates a field that has an autonumber (which is set to not accept duplicate numbers). Is there a way to create a duplicate but replace the problem field with a new...
  12. J

    Validation of Form based on three fields

    I have a Form called Demographics. On this form there are several fields three of which are relevant to my query. 1. Reported 2. Male 3. Female What I want to be able to do is to check that the total of Male and Female equals Reported. If not then display message box "Error etc". I would...
  13. J

    Send email using groupwise & access table

    My Table is called is called contacts. It has a fields that contain email addressess and contact names. I would like to be able to send everyone in this table a reminder email using groupwise. I would need for the email to send them individually one at a time and not one email with eveyone's...
  14. J

    DatePart - Can I change the default «firstweek»

    This is my first thread so be gentle. I curently have a query based on a payments table. In the payments table there is a field called date (when the payment was processed). I want to be able to display, in my query, the quarter that this payment was made in. It is based on financial...
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