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  1. R

    Question Different db format issues

    I am using Office/Access 2003 and Windows XP with service pack 3 etc downloaded. If I open an Access 2003 db it opens in Access 2000 format. When I create a new db it is in Access 2000 format. How can I set the default format to Access 2003? I have even unloaded Office/Access 2003 and loaded...
  2. R

    Unable to add new records to linked table

    I am using Access 2003. I used the database splitter wizard to split the db. I have the backend on a server and the frontend on three other users' computers. The problem right now is that they can't add any new records using forms (which are based on queries). When I look at the tables on the...
  3. R

    Useful sites - what to do with a corrupt database

    I was plowing around some of the sites that Bob Larson posted a while back and came across this check list on what to do with a corrupt database. All of these items have no doubt appeared in this forum in one format or another, but it is useful to have the steps organized like this...
  4. R

    Question Maximize/Minimize Issue

    This is a little bizarre. I am using Access 2003. If I maximize any window, the max/min/close buttons disappear on all objects. (see examples). The only way I can stop this behaviour is to close the database. This is occuring in all databases. What might have happened and how can I fix this?
  5. R

    Question Networking Issues

    We have been trying to get permission from our IT department (don't IT departments work for US - not themselves?) to put the Access program I wrote on one of our servers. I'm not sure what the their issue is, but we are hamstrung by this. ATM one person has the program on his computer. It...
  6. R

    The ole server isn't regestered.

    This is another bump on this topic. I finally did create a new report and copied the fields from the old one, leaving the image behind. Is there any other information on this error message that I have missed?
  7. R

    Appending more than one related table at a time

    I am running an append query to transfer records from one database to another. Is there any way to append ALL related tables without using a separate query for each table? The problem is there are too many fields for a single query to handle at one time. Right now the table relationships...
  8. R

    Popup form behaviour - form not opening

    I am using Access 2003. The db resides on another computer but is not yet on a network server. I have locked only the edited record, so I can add records from another computer while the other person is using it on theirs. My main data entry form has three popups that appear when it is opened...
  9. R

    Question Converting Macros to VBA

    About one third of my command buttons use simple macros that open and close various forms and reports. The most complex one has 4 lines in it. The remainder required some programming control so I used VBA. Should I bother converting the remaining Macros to VBA? This involves about 40 macros...
  10. R

    Splitting date apart

    I promised I wouldn't ask a question until after deployment - well I got official approval for the db this morning - depending on one change. I need to be able to convert the date from long form Canadian English to long form French so the month names would appear in French on the French...
  11. R

    Intelligent Navigation buttons

    I found this thread after doing a search and everything is working great. I remember seeing code somewhere that turns the navigation buttons into "intelligent" buttons. Once you are at the end of a...
  12. R

    Check if form is opened for edit or add

    I would like to set the properties of a control on a form based on if it is opened in edit or add mode. For example I use one form for both editing and adding records (the mode is changed based on the command button that calls it). I have a command button on the form for searching records I...
  13. R

    Logic help

    I realize looking for help on logic on New Year's Eve may be asking too much, but I will give it a whirl. I know I could solve this problem with an update query, but for the moment I would like to avoid that. I should be able to do this programmatically. I have a field that contains one of...
  14. R

    Change Font Characteristics in MsgBox

    Is it possible to change the font characteristics (bold, underline etc) or even the colour from one character to the next in a MsgBox? Or is this all predefined from the Windows properties?
  15. R

    Happy New Year Everyone - one last glitch to fix

    I have a main form frmAddNewTransactions and a separate POPUP form frmCompanyList. I am trying to set up a routine such that clicking once on a field in the popup form will load the appropriate fields in the main form. So far I have: Private Sub txtContactID_Click()...
  16. R

    Question Spltting vs running a single entity off a server

    I have reached the point in the database development where it will be loaded onto a server. What are the advantages/disadvantages of splitting the db to be/fe vs leaving it intact on the server? The db is to used load five excel spreadsheets. Otherwise all activity (reports, forms etc) is...
  17. R

    Tab page is not visible

    I am using Access 2003. I am going batty with this one. I have a form with a three page tab control. On two of the pages I have subform controls. The second tab page behaves normally. The third tab page is not visible in form view. At one point I had the form open with the third tab not...
  18. R

    Probably simple but I am searching for nil data in a value list

    I have an unbound combobox on an unbound form that I use to search for records by province. This is simply a value list that the user selects from. The result is then used by a query with frms!frmGetProvince!txtPROVINCE. However not all entries have a province - ie the field is empty. How do...
  19. R

    Columns within Columns

    Is it possible to do columns within columns in a report? I have a report with three columns on the page. There is one field in the detail section. There will be several hundred or more items in the field. I have a roster list of companies and contacts with the file numbers associated with...
  20. R

    Show nothing, depending on the value

    I know the title is confusing - but it is only fitting since I am confused. I have a query for mailing addresses. What I want is to have a null value if [COUNTRY] = "Canada". That is I only want to see the country if it is NOT Canada. This is not the same as <> "Canada" or Not Like "Canada"...
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