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  1. S

    Select next in drop down list

    Hi All. I have a drop down list and within it has pre defined text templates that users can select click insert text button and then goes into the main body of a text box. is there a VBA code that will automatically go to the next text selection below automatically within the list so the user...
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    Force Printer to show word paper type

    Hi all I have some VBA code that opens up a word document, copies data from the access form into the word document then automatically prints. the word document is an envelope template. for some reason the printer doesn't automatically recognize the paper type is an envelope, is there a way to...
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    Creating a Barcode and copy into Word Document

    Hi all I have a word document that is populated by Access forms using the below code, in the Access form we have a REF number that is inputted into a Text box named TXTREFNumber is it possible to create a CODE-128 barcode from this and then displayed within the word document as a barcode on the...
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    Highlight Text in VBA HTML

    Hi All I have VBA HTML code to work so it transfers everything from a form into an Email have managed to get bold to work but I ideally want some text to be highlighted in either red or yellow, I have tried <mark> and <BGcolor> but haveing some issues sBody = sBody &...
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    Query if present on form

    Hi all. I have two tables TBLOrderDetails TBLShelfnumbers within the TBLOrderDetails I have used the look up wizard to see all the Shelf locations from TBLShelfnumbers I have got the query to search for what ever is on the first entry in the form but wont do all records...
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    Disable all error messages

    Hi all, In my Access DB, I have a User mode which hides all Nav / Tool bars, disables right click etc I also have a way to enable developer mode which enables all the above (only people with certain access can do this). What I am looking to do is when the user mode is active no error messages...
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    only show one entry per

    Hi all I want to run a query that when runs only shows words from a specific column but does not show duplicates of words is that possible? for example if the list was: BODYWORK BODYWORK ENGINE ENGINE ENGINE WINDSCREEN TYRES I would like the query to run but only show BODYWORK ENGINE WINDSCREEN...
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    Copying Check boxes from previous record

    Hi all I have records in a sub Form that have tick boxes and Text Boxes, is there a way to possibly have a button on the main form that you can click that pulls this data from the previous record sub form and copies it into the new one? 1 Record per form page The form details are Main form...
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    Solved New Record in Subform and auto populate field

    Hi all I have a form with a tabular sub form, I have a button on the main form that the user clicks and when they do I want to automatically create a new record in the subform and to populate certain fields in the sub form how do I do this? Currently running in a module Main Form...
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    Stop Tabbing From Main form to sub

    Hi all I have a main form with a sub form on it, is there a way to stop the last field in the main form tabbing into the sub form? in the design > Tab Order it is showing the sub form so is there a way to remove this? currently I have done it a bit of a crude why using a tiny text box it tabs...
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    Dropdown Combo box with Sub Headings

    Hi All we have a combo box list showing numerous different products, to make it a little easier is there a way to put sub heading (ENGINE & BOSYWORK) within it that cannot be clicked on and maybe even Bold? There isn't enough on the list to warrant a second dropdown list to choose the type but...
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    Search HTML for words

    Hi all I have the below code that opens up Internet explorer and I want it to search the HTML for a certain word. when I run the code its coming back with an error Run-time error: '-2147023170 (800706be) automation error The remote procedure call failed. then highlights While .Busy Or...
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    Rich Text into Word document

    Hi all I use the below code (with a lot more fields) that converts from an access form into a word template using bookmarks. I have decided to use Rich Tech in the text box so we can bold stuff but I am having issues when it converts it now as the shows all the <DIV>, <strong> tags etc how can I...
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    VBA Code for Bold Text & Hyperlink

    Hi all I have got some VBA code that opens up outlook, inputs all the subject, To, and body of the email etc I ideally trying to do it so certain text is bold how would I do this? also I want a CLICK HERE link that is a hyper link rather than showing the whole website address any ideas? the...
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    Password Generator

    Hi all I have a form with a button that I want to be able to create a random password with 3 English spelt words, random numbers (1 or 2 long) and capitalization and automatically insert it into a textbox any suggestions on how to do this? do I need to create a table with all words or can it be...
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    Auto scroll Scroll to Certain Points on a sub form on button click

    Hi All I have got a Spell check function to check two fields when a button is clicked prior to creating a report, this works perfectly. The issue I have is when it is spell checking a particular box it wont scroll down show the sub form textbox it is checking and just remains at the top of the...
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    Opening Website - looking for error

    Hello all, I have got some VBA code that automatically opens up the correct intranet webpage via reference numbers in other fields, ideally what I want is when a user clicks out of the field it searches the website for the words "Incorrect Ref", if this happens then to do an If statement to...
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    Error issue

    Hi all I seem to be getting this issue again, but seems to be very intermittent, sometimes showing other times not which is a bit of a pain, If I copy + paste to make a copy of the database seems to work again for a while then appears again, any suggestions on where to look I have looked in...
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    Draw over image

    Hi all this may not be possible but till give it an ask anyway, I have the below image on a form and I would like users to be able to draw over the top of it with a clear button which would clear everything afterwards. It could the the user clicks on it and opens another program to do the edit...
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    Autosave code

    Hi all I have a form that some of the fields require a lot of data, we are having issues whereby users are in one field for several hours and sometimes if a network connection is lost and they haven't clicked out of the field they lose all the information, if there a bit of code I can use to...
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