Search results

  1. S

    Are null records creating my problem

    How-do! Spot of bother with one of my reports. Bit of background first to help explain... Have a Query (Query1) that pulls together data. Based on the criteria it outputs a single record (finds the serial number entered in another form). This query contains basic info, some of which is linked...
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    Quick DCount criteria

    Had this on one of my forms: =DCount("[Serial]","tblMainData","AreaID = 1 AND StateID = 1 AND TypeID = 1")I also need it to count TypeID = 2 So i have 10 records of Type ID = 1 and 5 of TypeID = 2, my total should come to 15.
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    Output single record

    I have a number of forms, all based on different queries. All the forms look the same, but obviously return different record sets depending on the query parameters. Form1 | Query1 Form2 | Query2 Form3 | Query3 and so on for 3 more forms/queries. Each Query returns around 100 records from a...
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    Query based on Combo box result

    I have a query running on a combo box result (select option, run query). No problems here, but i could do with an "ALL" option for the query (the query runs on multiple criteria, such as location, equipment type, status etc and sometimes we want to display all locations, but only faulty...
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    Titles on subsequent pages

    Hi, on one of the reports i have, the results can vary between 10 and 40 for each grouping. Sometimes these result wrap onto a new page and the titles are not included at the top of the subsequent page??:confused:
  6. S

    On update date calculation

    Having trouble with my date again! She doesn't appreciate what I.........oops wrong forum! No seriously, is it possible to have a form automatically enter a date in a text box? frmTraining is the main form. On adding a new training course event (for example, First Aid) a combo box obtains the...
  7. S

    Message box on selection of value

    Hi all... Looking for a bit of assistance with a message/pop-up box. On one of my forms i have a combo box that takes its values from another table. On selection of a certain option (3) i would like a message box to appear to offer the user a reminder. Any suggestions are greatly appreciated.
  8. S

    Header titles

    Hi, I have a form frmRunReport that runs a report based on a query. The query requests a date range for the report (from and to) and outputs the report based on this range. This is done through two text boxes on frmRunReport, and they are txtFrom and txtTo. Ii want to be able to display the...
  9. S

    Using cascading Combo Boxes to filter record

    Another picky question that has me flummoxed. I can get my head around cascading combo boxes, but this one has got me. In the header of my form frmStaff i would like to place two combo boxes to filter the records shown. Records for this form come from a query Q_StaffNOTExcluded The first combo...
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    Query on Date and Null

    Morning, One query that i need to run contains, amongst other things, two date fields. These are to do with training. First one is DateStarted and the other DateCompleted. I need to run a query to check all the training occurrences for null DateCompleted but only where there IS a value (any...
  11. S

    Same form - different Queries

    I have a standard form and subform setup, with quite a few boxes and organisaed layout. Trouble is, now i need to run different queries on the date (such a only show location A where equipment = x AND equipment is faulty) varying on types of equipment and locations. Don't have a problem...
  12. S

    Date Calculations

    Bit of a Query on a Query! I have a table (tblTraining) and a field called QualExpiry (short date field). This is date listing when a persons qualification requires renewal (expires). To plan ahead, i want to run a query listing all my staff members courses when the expiry date is only 4 months...
  13. S

    Background colour dependant on a null

    Evening again. Probably a quick one for the folks on here (and yes, have tried a search but getting conflicting and confusing returns?). In a subform (frmFaults) i need the background colour to show up red, when a text box date field (bound) [Date_returned) contains a null value. Any takers?
  14. S

    Date Calculations

    Evening, Having a spot of bother with some date calculations. I have two date options (Date_down and Date_returned) for kit that goes away for repair. Not that it probably matters, but these dates are contained in a sub-form for each item of kit (one kit can have many faults). To keep a track...
  15. S

    Is MS Access the right programme to use?

    Bit of a dangerous question in this forum, but i plod on... I am looking at trying to put together some form of database for my employment but i have the gut feeling that it may be too large for MS Access to deal with. If i outline the requirements, can the seasoned pro's who frequent this...
  16. S

    Possible DCount?

    Hi again. Just dragged out an old DB that ended up on the bottom of the pile. I need to do a simple count up in a different form of values in "frmFaults", but only for records with a start date within the last 12 months. Eg in "frmFaults" Date_down = 1/2/06 Days_Lost 12...
  17. S

    Pioctures dependant on text box result

    Hi, is it possible (at all) to have a small range of images (whatever format is best) on a Form, which only appears dependent on the contents of a Text Box? frmMain_data is the form, and the text box is txtType which holds a range of 1-3. Depending on the result i want an image to appear on...
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    Trouble with DLookUp

    Hi again. Having a bit of trouble with a DLookUp on my form (frmMain_data) I have a combo box (cmbType) which pulls it's result from a table (tblRadioTypes). tblRadioTypes has the *ID, Type, and Model as the fields. I want to be able to select a radio in my combo box and have a text box...
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    I seem to be having some trouble with my Option Group boxes I have three options, returning a 1/2/3 value depending on setting. Within the main form, i want to be able to have a footer showing the overall number of records resulting in the corresponding value (1/2/3) The Option group is...
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    Filter on Option Group settings

    Hi, After managing to work out the bound combo box problems i had earlier, i have now stumbled on another problem, which will turn out to be a very simple answer i am guessing. I have an Option group with three options, "In Service, Faulty, Decommissioned" (opt_service, opt_faulty, opt_decom)...
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