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  1. J

    Help on recordset only looping through 1 record

    Hey guys, I have create a recordset based upon a table. The table holds group numbers of where the SQL statement is basing its criteria on. However, when I put multiple groups in, it will cycle through to match the number of records but it will not move to the next group number. Any...
  2. J

    SQL Statement utilizing 5 tables and inner joins

    Hey Everyone, I am just stumped with this SQL statement that I wrote :banghead:. I'm getting the basic syntax error on the FROM portion of the SQL statement. Run-time error of 3135, Syntax error in JOIN operation. I thought I had joined everything properly but guess not. What I'm trying to...
  3. J

    Refreshing a Linked ODBC Table

    Hey Everyone, :eek: Looking for some guidance on an issue I'm having in regards to a Linked ODBC table. I have linked the ODBC table and am looking to refresh the connection upon open of the database. I'm hoping to have this pop up as soon as it opens so the user will not have to log in at a...
  4. J

    SQL Parameter in VBA Code

    Hello Everyone, I am having an issue with getting a parameter query to work in VBA code. I have the Between (Date) And (Date) to work but cannot get the >= (Date) to work. The date is based on table fields they enter in at night. I do not use a form since a form does not save dates entered...
  5. J

    Compare on date

    Hello, I'm stuck on I would think a fairly simple compare. I'm trying to create an If Then statement that will compare a date. I was hoping that this would work... Dim strFileDate as string Dim strFileDate2 as string strFileDate = Format(Date, "YYYYMMDD") strFileDate2 = Format(Date...
  6. J

    How to export a table by utilizing a keyword

    Hi Everyone, I'm working on a automation process that will be pulling a csv file, placing the data into a table with the current date. I want to export the table into another database, but how do I do that since the date will always be changing? The coding below shows the import csv file and...
  7. J

    Pulling SQL query on multiple lines.

    I am trying to write a query with a large amount of fields and need it to write on multiple lines. Any suggestions? rsRecordset.Open _ Source:="Select MASS_TEMP_INPUT.LIC_ACTION_CD, MASS_TEMP_INPUT.[LIC-ID], MASS_TEMP_INPUT.[LIC-SYS-ASSGN-NBR], MASS_TEMP_INPUT.[LIC-ST-CS]...
  8. J

    Choosing one record at a time

    Hello, I have currently taken over a large upload process developed by the previous DB developer and am still learning the ADVANCED aspects of coding. I am trying to pull data from a Mass Input table and cycle each record one at a time through a set of coding to string the fields together...
  9. J


    Hi Everyone, My name is Josh and am a Database Developer for a large Insurance Company. I have a Bachelors in Information Technology. I am interested in utilizing this forum for networking and research capabilities. If anyone has questions about me, please feel free to ask. Thanks
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