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  1. D

    Auto Populate Unbound Text Box

    Couple of quick things to try: 1. Is [certnum] a text or numeric field in your table? If it is numeric then you don't need the "'" around me.certnum 2. try me.refresh or me.txtbox_GetBusName.requery at the end of your code to get the form to refresh or control to requery HTH Dan
  2. D

    Run-time 3061 error ‘too few parameters'

    In what are you referencing as the criteria 'RequisitionID'? Should this not be a value from the ‘ReviewPurchaseOrder’ form? If so I think you'd need to reference the control that holds the value of the PO that you are trying to get more detail for - forms!reviewpurchaseorder.NameOfControl
  3. D

    Update a form bound to dynamic query

    Are you sure that you have referenced the control that you are trying to requery correctly? Take a look at this page if you are unsure
  4. D

    duplicate data

    The following code should allow you to add a new record to the recordset based on the values held in your form. Am still not clear on what you need to duplicate, but hopefully this works for you. Dim rs As Recordset Dim qdf As DAO.QueryDef Set qdf = CurrentDb.CreateQueryDef("") qdf.Sql =...
  5. D

    duplicate data

    Can you confirm whether you are (a) trying to duplicate the last record of the recordset or (b) trying to add a new record to the recordset with values set by a form (i.e. product & guilders). Thanks
  6. D

    Subform Issue

    I tried to (and did) recreate your issue, but could not fix it. Instead I changed the approach to a way I know that works. Hope this is still appropriate for you.
  7. D

    Subform Issue

    Can you repost the database - I can't seem open it?
  8. D

    duplicate data

    You are trying to perform this at EOF - there is no current record to copy. Try rs.movelast and then rs.addnew
  9. D

    invoices (contracts)

    Try performing a query on these results that uses a 'Group By' on all but the 'Fee' field and 'Last' on the 'Fee' field.
  10. D

    Issue Opening Forms

    Exactly - it is an issue I have seen in the past, but normally only when the development is on a two screen setup and then users have only one screen. Does not sound like your issue, but thought it was worth the thought.
  11. D

    invoices (contracts)

    Can you show an example of the output you have (and what you are looking for) from the query please?
  12. D

    #Error handling query

    try IIf(InStr([GivenNames]," ")=0,[GivenNames],Left([GivenNames],InStr([GivenNames]," ")-1))
  13. D

    Issue Opening Forms

    Are you using two screens and the users only using one screen?
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