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  1. K

    Add Multiple Attachments To An Outlook Email

    Paul, again many thanks, works perfectly:)
  2. K

    Add Multiple Attachments To An Outlook Email

    Paul, thank you very much, I know this technique from your previous posts (very helpful), but I applied it incorrectly. Now (with corrections) it attaches only one attachment, but I want to attach all of files based on the recordset. With strRST1 = strRST1 & Path &...
  3. K

    Add Multiple Attachments To An Outlook Email

    Sql below. strSql = "SELECT TBL_DodacieListy.Faktura" & _ " FROM TBL_DodacieListy" & _ " WHERE TBL_DodacieListy.ID_kup = " & Forms!F_Faktura!Fkup.Value & " AND TBL_DodacieListy.FakturaOdoslana = TRUE" & _ " AND Day(TBL_DodacieListy.FakturaOdoslanaDna) = " & Forms!F_Faktura!Den.Value & " AND...
  4. K

    Add Multiple Attachments To An Outlook Email

    Hi. My intention is to attach pdf file saved in folder "W:\POST\Invoice\" based on the Invoice number generated from the db. Pdf file name starts with the invoice number and continues with various text of various lenght. With the code below I get the runtime error: "file not found". Any...
  5. K

    VBA to email from recordset

    Many thanks pr2-eugin and pbaldy. Now it works perfectly:)
  6. K

    VBA to email from recordset

    Thank you for your prompt response. Well, I updated where condition in sql code but it still shows the Run-time error 3078 and it occurs on "Set rst = db.OpenRecordset("strSql", dbOpenDynaset)" strSql = "SELECT TBL_DodacieListyMnozstvo.ID_dl, TBL_DodacieListyMnozstvo.ID_tov" & _ " FROM...
  7. K

    VBA to email from recordset

    Hello, I inspired myself pretty much in what is posted here, but it is apparently over my current knowledge to get it run. Please help. I have a Parent table (“TBL_DodacieListy”) which defines a client, I have a child table (“TBL_DodacieListyMnozstvo”) which defines goods (“ID_tov “) sold...
  8. K

    Where Condition Syntax

    I have in a form „Text Field 1“ and „Text field 2“, I want to genereate a report containing records based on entries in these fields. I have in a Form on Click Macro/Open report/Where Condition: ="[ID]= " & [Text Field 1] & " AND [ID]= " & [Text Field 2] It is not working. Any...
  9. K

    Email With Attachments Using Access 2007

    Hi guys. I want to kindly ask you for help. I’ve read all relevant threads. I want to attach my currently open report to the e-mail using VBA. I googled the code below, works fine. Please advice how to attach currently open report. Can I modify the attachment name? Many thanks...
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