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  1. Papashep

    Solved Access vba Manage an Attachment field with vba

    Hi I am trying to check if an attachment exists on a recordset2 record and if it does remove the field contents and then add a new attachment to the same record so I Only have the one attachment entry on the record. My code is giving me two problems: 1. The If statement If .Fields("Logo").Type =...
  2. Papashep

    Solved How to edit filtered records on a single form

    I have a Single form showing a customer record with a subform showing orders for that customer. When I go through the customer records one at a time, I can edit the customer record etc. But when I apply a filter to reduce the number of customer records available to me on this form, I cannot edit...
  3. Papashep

    Using an unbound field on a detail subform

    I am using a subform to display transactions belong to an account specified on the main form. This works OK. The problem I have is the amount of data to be displayed is to much for the size of the subform, so I thought I would resolve this using an unbound field (DisplayName) in which I want to...
  4. Papashep

    Access 2016 VBA Event Errors

    Hi This problem is driving me crazy. I have a simple tabular form showing two records, it is setup so you can only input data into one field for each record. I have created a simple on Click Event: Option Compare Database Option Explicit...
  5. Papashep

    Hi Everyone

    Hi I have worked in the IT industry since August 1974. I have been an IT Manager since March 1989. Since August 2006 I have been retired due to ill health, this has effected my memory and I find it difficult to remember many things that I use to do without thinking. I still enjoy using my...
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