Search results

  1. C

    Looping through query of attachments

    I have found the following code from a google search that will copy an attachment from a record to a file location. This serves the purpose of what i am trying to do, however I would like to make some modifications which i am struggling to solve. I would like to reference a query of the table...
  2. C

    Question DCount in textbox on form with dates

    I have the following DCount formula in a text box on the main menu form (frm_Main_Menu) which works fine. However, there is a field in the query called "Date_Planned" and I have two text boxes called txt_Start_Date and txt_End_Date which is also on the main menu. I would to add to the formula...
  3. C

    Transfer hyperlinked record to textbox on another form

    Hi, hoping someone can make my day here and assist. I have a subform table that has a column called "Project" and lists all the project numbers. I have set up a Hyperlink on the field so that when the project number is selected is will open up a new form and transfer the existing hyperlink...
  4. C

    Hyperlink Questions

    Hoping someone can help me with this. I have set a field in my form to a hyperlink, the field is called 'EventID' and data in the field looks something like 'Event 12345'. I have put in the following on click event for the field ; Private Sub EventID_Click() Dim Audit As String Audit = Right...
  5. C

    Auto populate with next available number

    Hi, I have just tried to work through the example below but it appears that the 'After Update' action isn't working. I have attached the file also. Any suggestions ...
  6. C

    Requery Subform inside a Subform

    Hi, I've searched high and low for this but still cant find anything. I have a main form (frm_Main_Menu) which has a Tab Control with a series of tabs. Inside one of the tabs is a subform (frm_Red_Green) with another Tab Control and inside one of the two tabs is another subform...
  7. C

    Run Query Name from matching text box value

    Just wondering if this can be done, the below code doesn't work. I want to be able to change the order in which certain queries are run by placing the query names in a text box on the main menu so it can the user can modify the names of the queries dynamically. The example below has 2 text boxes...
  8. C

    Run Delete Query from list in a table

    Just wondering if this is possible. If I have the list of several delete query names in a table along with a sort order field, are you able to execute the queries in Oder of the names in the table one after the other ???
  9. C

    Web Database Combo Box Macro

    Hi, just wondering if anyone can help here. I have set up a new web database that will eventually be uploaded to sharepoint 2010 and i'm trying to find some help in getting a combo box on my navigation form (Horizontal Tabs - 2 Levels) to filter the data. I am very new to web databases and...
  10. C

    Memo field truncating at 255 characters after pasting from excel

    I have searched everywhere for this answer but still cant find anything for my situation. I have a very simple query which has 2 memo fields and is used in a subform and I copy and paste out of excel into these 2 fields (Description, Status). For some reason if I paste more than 255 characters...
  11. C

    Union Query Formatting

    Hi, I've searched a few forums and websites and still can't find exactly what I'm looking for so hoping someone will be able to help me out here. I need to format the fields [QCF Weight] and [AQ] as they are used in the calculation below (Sum([QCF Weight]*[AQ])) and the result is giving me...
  12. C

    Enable - Disable Field in Subform

    Hi, looking for some help here please. I have a main form which has a subform and in the 'On Load' event it checks that the user's name (ENVIRON) is in a table as a security measure. If the user's name isn't in the table then one particular column is disabled so the user can not access the...
  13. C

    DLookup Query and return next record based on value in textbox

    I have a form which has a textbox (named txtTopTrend1 =[qry_Top_Trends_Top1 subform].[Form]![ID #]) that is linked to a subform that is has one record in the query (Top Values = 1). I also have a similar query that displays the top 5 values in a query called "qry_Top_Trends_Top5". There are only...
  14. C

    Run-time Error '3061' Too Few Parameters. Expected 4.

    Hi, looking for some help here please. I have a form that has a textbox in what I've called the "settings" tab of a control tab. The user can click on a button and edit the text box and type in an Activity Code that is then saved and used in a query to retrieve records that the user has selected...
  15. C

    Dynamic hyperlink word document to a filepath directory textbox in access

    Hi, just wondering if anyone has any info or thoughts on being able to link a word document hyperlink to a textbox value on an access form. I have created the following cutom help menu below but the database will be sent to the contractors office and I want to be able to dynamically link the...
  16. C

    Record Locking File wont dissappear after file shut down

    I have a procedure in a database (DB1) that I want to run from a different database(DB2). The following code works fine (from DB2) but it is leaving the 'Record Locking File' open after the database (DB1) has run and wont go away. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated :banghead...
  17. C

    Question Check to see if import file has matching table field before import

    Hi, I have a small problem here when I run a saved import of a spreadsheet file and sometimes there is an extra field in the spreadsheet that doesn't match the field in the table that it is getting imported to. Therefore it is creating an error message. Does anyone know of any code that...
  18. C

    Pick the column with data in it ??

    i have a query with 4 columns of data, in most cases 3 of the columns will have the number zero in there and one column will have one word in there. I'm looking for some 'IIF' statement help to formulate a query that will look at each column to see which column has the word in it and then return...
  19. C

    Exact key word search

    Hi, i'm looking for a solution for a problem where i want to put in a formula in a query field that will search for an exact word/s within a field in the same query. For example ; Tag: IIf(([description] Like "tag"),1,"") However, words such as 'stage' and 'voltage' are appearing in the...
  20. C

    Check for empty/null fields in subform datasheet recordset

    I have just watched this youtube video clip in the search for the answer for my problem. This video clip shows you how to loop through all the controls (text boxes) on a form and find the blank control fields and highlight them red and alert with a...
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