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  1. Elana

    "Please Wait" message with animation

    Hi- I've created a Please Wait form to display while a semi-lengthy process runs. I used the example from the MS Knowledge Base: DoCmd.OpenForm "frmpleasewait", , , , acFormReadOnly, acWindowNormal DoCmd.Hourglass True DoCmd.RepaintObject acForm, "frmpleasewait"...
  2. Elana

    Calculate/Save XL Worksheet using VBA

    Hi - I've been trying to figure this out for two days and have gotten close, but now I'm stuck: I need to open several excel workbooks, then calculate, save and close them. I want to do this from Access and here is what I've developed so far (using only one workbook as an example): Public...
  3. Elana

    Where Clause - trouble with Quotation Marks

    Hi - I'm trying to programmatically set a report filter behind a Print button using two criteria on the active form (showid) and (txtdate). I'm having trouble with this expression and I know it has to do with quotation marks: myfilter = "[showid] = " & "forms!frmexhibitorsbyshow!showid" And...
  4. Elana

    Looping Through Listbox

    Loop through list box contents help needed I've got a list box that shows all locations for a particular owner (as selected in another combo box on my form). I want to be able to programatically determine whether any of the locations shown in the listbox are in California. Here is my SELECT...
  5. Elana

    Openreport Method - 'Where' Argument Help

    I am having fits trying to concatenate a variable into my Where argument. I've tried everything to fix it, but no luck. I have a report that will print whatever record is selected in my listbox located on form 'frmPrintMenu.' The bound column of the listbox is not the criteria for this...
  6. Elana

    Determine Highest Value in Unbound Listbox

    Hi - I have a form called "frmAddBldg" and a listbox on that form called "lstShowBldgs". The listbox displays all buildings associated with the master location that has been selected. When a user is adding a building to a master location, I want the next available building number for that...
  7. Elana

    Cascade Delete a record that is not 1 to many related

    I need some coding advice here. My two tables are not one-to-many related so I can't cascade delete. I have a table where my user enters file notes. The user has the option to create a suspense item for the note. When the user elects to create the suspense item, I have placed code to...
  8. Elana

    Filter Subform with an On Click Event

    I'm spacing out here - I have a subform that displays a datasheet list of "to do" items for a particular insurance claim. I want to be able to filter the "to do" records with a command button where the user can show all "to do" items or only those items that are currently outstanding. I want...
  9. Elana

    Collapse Subdatasheet Using Code

    I would like to programatically collapse a subdatasheet after my user has selected a particular action on a form. Any ideas on how this can be done?
  10. Elana

    Determine Whether a Nested Subform is Open

    Hi I'm trying to run some validation code and I want to be able to determine whether a subform is expanded before I let the user close the main form. I've tried in the OnClose event of the main form: "if me.subdatasheetexpanded = true then...", but that's not working. I don't want the user to...
  11. Elana

    Requery a form - after deleting a record it hangs

    I have main form and two subforms. The first subform (frmMasterRequest)shows Master Payment Requests, the second subform (frmRequestSub) shows the percentage breakdown by subscriber for the master payment request. Master and subRequests are stored in two different tables (cascading deletes)...
  12. Elana

    Add up field values in a Loop

    I'm trying to write some code where Access looks at the value of fldPct in a form's recordset (sometimes just one record, sometimes up to 8 records will be displayed on the form) to confirm that the values add up to 100% before the user exits the form. If the values are less than 100, then it...
  13. Elana

    Code to AddNew to Recordset only works part of the time

    Here is my code to add records to a table based on records shown on a subform. Problem: This will only add records if I open the form and run the code on the first record. If I move to another record in the form and attempt to run the code, it will not add records to the table, BUT, If I...
  14. Elana

    Recordsets ....I'm missing something easy here.

    Here is my code to add records to a table based on records shown on a subform. Problem: This will only add records if I open the form and run the code on the first record. If I move to another record in the form and attempt to run the code, it will not add records to the table. If I close...
  15. Elana

    Automatically Add Records to a Table

    Hi - My app is a claim administration app for an insurance brokerage. I have a main form (frmClaimsEntry)where the user selects an insurance policy and a subform (frmPolicyUwrsSub) that displays the insurance company(ies)subscribing to that policy. Here's what I need to do. For each ins...
  16. Elana

    Reference to Control on Nested Subforms - My brain is going to explode!

    I have a tab control as my main form and then I have a subform which itself has a subform to pull another level of information. I am having trouble figuring out how to refer to a control on the nested subform. I have this so far: Names of forms/controls: frmMain, frmSub1, frmSub1A (control on...
  17. Elana

    Moving between records on a subform - weird occurrence

    I hope I can explain this problem in such a way that someone can give me advice: I am developing an insurance claims administration app (for an insurance brokerage). I have main form, frmClaimsEntry, which is a tab control. On the first tab, the user selects the client fromm a combo box ...
  18. Elana

    Need Help With OpenArgs

    I have a form that displays location information that the users can edit. Users can open this form from either one of 2 different forms (search forms). I want the current record of the search form to be the record that shows up on the edit form. The Unique Identifier for each location is the...
  19. Elana

    Form Events - Error OnCurrent

    I have a form (frmAPRP) that can only be opened if another form (frmChanges) is open. My "on Load" event for frmAPRP states: "If IsNull(Me.OpenArgs) Then MsgBox "This form must be opened from within another form", vbCritical, "Cannot Open Form" DoCmd.Close acForm, Me.Name End If"...
  20. Elana

    Err.Number 0 with No Err.Description

    I have a procedure where my error handler simply states msgbox err.number & " " & err.description. On running the particular procedure today, I received the msgbox stating only "0". No description of the error. Obviously something is wrong, but I don't know what. Any suggestions?
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