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  1. C

    Adding pull down menu to querie

    Thanks Uncle, I guess I'm one of those "visual" types, when I see something that works, I can go in and see how the parts connect, makes in click mentally.
  2. C

    Adding pull down menu to querie

    Uncle, I have had the same issue in the past and was given the same response. The problem is, people like me don't quite understand exactly what that means. Creating the form, no problem, creating a combo box, well that is where we go all deer in the headlights. Do we make a combo box of the...
  3. C

    Filtering a query

    Thanks for the naming list. Did not realize there were so many. As far as your first question, on tab 2, of the frm_Tgemplate with tabs (haven't changed name yet) you will see a drop down top dead center of the form. Changing the "craft position" will "reset" the subform to allow the user to...
  4. C

    Filtering a query

    In a subform I am having an issue with a combo box. One field is "craft" such as carpenter, electrician, and so on. This is populated by the user, using a drop down. The second field is a list of tasks. There are different tasks for each craft (over 400 in all). That field is also "fed" by a...
  5. C

    Filtering a drop down in a subform

    To answer your first question, they are two different tables. The first table is tbl_main data. This captures basic project information. The second table for the sub form is tbl_Detail Cost Information. I linked the ID from tbl_Main to CBI Record ID, Position in Main to Position in Detail, and...
  6. C

    Filtering a drop down in a subform

    Here is the whole shooting match. The form that opens is the main data entry, the second tab is where I want to capture the detailed data. This is used for estimating jobs. The idea is, tab one captures basic information in a main table and tab 2 captures the detailed cost information in the...
  7. C

    Filtering a drop down in a subform

    The main form has fields for Record ID, Position, and Revision. The subform has fields for ID, Position, and Revision. There is also a field for "task". I have over 15 positions and 495 tasks. Each position has a set number (around 15 or so) tasks associated with that position. I have the...
  8. C

    Junction Tables Help

    Okay, I'll try to work with that response. What would have been nice if you could have used what I am actually doing as an example, LOL. I guess I'm more of a "visual" type person, I guess it's the Auditory Processing Disorder. Thanks for your time.
  9. C

    Junction Tables Help

    I saw a previous thread discussing junction tables and I think that is what I need to use, however, I'm having a hard time "seeing" how this works. After reading a couple of articles, I was hoping someone here would be able to use what I have and see first, if this would be the solution and...
  10. C

    Forms + Subforms problems

    Gina, I think this is what I am looking for but I am having a hard time getting the picture. Hopefully you can help. In this case I have one table with a list of topics and questions. Another table logs in the basic information and I have another table that I probably don't need. There is a...
  11. C

    Reporting in "columns"

    I've never had a situation like this and it's either impossible or easy, not sure which. My boss was submitting a monthly report from Excel. Normally, each row would be a "record" but there are some twists here. The "row" has data for: Title - Desc - Jan - Feb - and so on. (Example) Eng...
  12. C

    Hyperlink button for each record

    Sorry to jump in but you guys are awesome. I was dealing with the same issue, trying code after code. I had the exact same errors coming up and when you commented that the field was a "text" field, well, voila, it worked. For search purposes, I had an export from an oracle database that...
  13. C

    Long time reader first time member

    This forum has come up so many times in my quest to solve problems I figured it was time to join. Hopefully I won't post questions that already have been addressed and I apologize if I do so, I promise to search first. I am a Project Controller and have found the best way to do this is to...
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