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  1. L

    Starbucks is reviewing strict rule for no visible tatoos

    100% of convicted criminals in the UK are human... Flippin humans, lets ban them from starbucks... oh wait! Don't waste time making up rules to protect against people that have not yet done wrong, its stupid and people that want to do wrong will always find a way to do wrong, no matter the silly...
  2. L

    Multi search form no result

    Hi, Sorry I just posted an example of a search on a fake table that works using LIKE. If you wanted to search on multiple fields, you could try adding OR in between the LIKE's. I would advocate ensure that instead you put a function into the save button or pre-save for your forms needing...
  3. L

    Multi search form no result

    SELECT, ppl_test.ID, * FROM ppl_test WHERE (([search] Like '*i*')) ORDER BY ppl_test.ID;
  4. L

    Need Help with Structure

    Hi :), Probably best not to JOIN so early on in your application, or for such a simple task. KISS! (as in keep it simple lol) Simply add one or more fields depending upon the logic you wish to enact. It is probably best to sit down with your boss and review things like this regularly, get...
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    Scottish Independence

    Well I'm all for it, we can still all be friends, but now England wont say Scotland is taking its money and Scotland wont say England is pillaging it's resources, they will both have to get on and have sensible debate. What will be fascinating will be the division of resources, particularly...
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    Starbucks is reviewing strict rule for no visible tatoos

    Personally I don't think tattoos are getting that much "bigger" as in more popular, but I fail to see why it should matter if someone wants to put ink inside their skin, as long as they don't walk around doing it to others (literally has NEVER happened!) then why should employers make arbitrary...
  7. L

    EMP to hit Canada tonight - are you prepared for next one?

    Get some low-power devices and look into protection. I think a simple Faraday cage would work, although I am not an engineer. Anyway if it does happen I'm double bust, my work is in IT so lets hope it does not happen ;)
  8. L

    Hello From Essex

    Hi All, I have actually dabbled in access since getting vb5 as a teenager, I have put together rudimentary systems, but my main work is in translating access databases to the wider web, connecting with microsoft technologies including SQL Sever, Sharepoint & 365, azure, and linux technologies...
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