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  1. F

    Delete a record after inform user

    In a database for a store, there is a main form and a subform within it. Required: If the user enters an item in the subform and its price is zero, upon leaving the main form the user will be notified that there are one or more items whose prices are zero and that they will be deleted, and the...
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    How to alignment text on textbox

    Hiii How to alignment the text on a textbox based on the characters entered to it , if English use left alignment if Arabic use right alignment?
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    How to highlights the current record on listbox

    Hii all dears I have a form that displays single records of a data. On that form there a list box to show the dates of current patient visits . My question: how to highlight the date (on the listbox) of the current visit of that patient ?
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    office 2016 help file

    Dears ,, Sometimes I work without connecting to the internet, so I need the help file for Office 2016, as there is no help file for this version except through direct internet connection. How can I get the Office 2016 help file?
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    Hide a label on a report when printing

    hii to all on myForm there two buttons , one "A" for printing MyReport , "B" button for export that report "MyReport" to pdf format . there a label on that report "MyReport" refer to the electronic version of that report "pdf version" like : this is an electronic version that didn't need to...
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    Solved Backup code must be updated to use on 64-bit system

    hiii to all i recently installed office 2016 on my pc , but when try to open mdb file it gives an error . error massage : could any one convert code of that attached file to work on access 2016 ?
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    Is There Any Way To Customize The Menu/status/tab Bar Colors in Access 2016?

    hii to all dears i have recently installed office 2016 , 64 bt , as the heading of this threat ( Is There Any Way To Customize The Menu/status/tab Bar Colors in Access 2016? ) , is there a way to change red color of tabs to a blue color ?
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    Search form

    hii all dears based on this example i build a seperated filter form (without record source data) , to filter another form , but it does not filter that another form . i use this code : Dim strWhere As String 'The criteria string. Dim lngLen As Long...
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    How do I create a combo box to display the caption for the fields of the form source table ?

    Hii all dears How How do I create a combo box to display the caption for the fields of the form source table ?
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    How to handle Item discount and Invoice discount levels.

    Hii all dears I have a store db , tblInvoic : -InvoiceID -InvoiceDate -CustomerID -DiscountAmount (Long data-type) tblInvoiceDetails -InvoiceNo -ItemID -ItemPrice -Quantity -ItemDiscount (Percentage) of (ItemPrice multiplied by Quantity). some sellers offer a discount on the total value...
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    Solved Reformulate an expression with multiple criteria (Numbers and dates)

    hii al dears i have this expression : PersonA: CLng(nz(Dcount("OrderID";"Q105";"InsurCmpName=13" & " AND [OrderDate]>= #" [FirstDayVal] & "# AND [OrderDate] <=" # [LastDayVal]);0)) Can you hlep me to correct this expression ?
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    main form and continuous subform requery

    hii dears on main form a textbox ( txt2 ) to gives me the total of subform some field how to requery that textbox ( txt2 ) after user add new item on the sub form without return to the first record on the subform ?
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    SubForms Makes navig. on main form slow

    hii all i have a main form with a tab , 9 sub forms i notice navigation between records become slow , then i search for a solution , i find this code : Private Sub ps_Change() Select Case ps.Pages.Item(ps.Value).Name Case "pg1" ' Where sfrm1 is the name of the subform on page 1 If...
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    Date validation rule with popup built-in calendar

    Hi dears I have a form on it textbox for dates , it validation rule is between 01/01/2022 and 31/12/2022, i use a popup built-in calender form to select dates . But the validation rule didnot work except when user insert the date by keyboard or using the access popup calendar . How to make...
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    lookup price of some services different by the Company Name

    hiii dears i have a db to collect the services of polyclinic center that handle with insurance companies and thier costumers. - tblBillHead : contains a field companyID (fk connected to tblCompanyData on Pk CompanyID) - tblBillDetails (conjunction table) : contains ServiceNo , BillNo ...
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    Open List Items Edit Form to a Specific Record

    hi to all i use this code but open form with a new record : Private Sub Form_Load() Dim MyFilter As String If CurrentProject.AllForms("MainFrm").IsLoaded Then MyFilter = "Forms![MainFrm]![InsurCmpName]= " & Me.CompnyID Me.Filter = MyFilter Me.FilterOn = True End If End Sub but its go to new...
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    how to get page no. on group level section

    hi i have a report with group level section , i use this code : Private Sub G1Header_Format(Cancel As Integer, FormatCount As Integer) If Me.InsurCmpName = 3 Then Me.G1Header.ForceNewPage = 1 End If End Sub how to get the page no. of that section exactly not to all the report ?
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    Give me some Advices

    hiii to all last week im get alternative job as an admin for the system in the corp. that i work in it . we have a server connected to 12 client computers. the OS of the Server computer is windows server 10 . the db is sql server . this is first time i work as an adminstrator to a system. i...
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    Solved How to update default value

    Hi to all I have a form to insert some data to orders table , i use default value for OrderDate field , another table tblDefaultDate designed special to store one record only contains a field of date datatype to use it as default value for orders orderdate default value . but when i change the...
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    Solved Allow zero length string property

    Hii all I use audit trail as the attached sample on some databases but i get read about allow zero length string property on text or memo datatype fields must be No, based on : But when i changes that property to no , there a problem on the action query...
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