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    Access Web App - Action Bar - Behavior and how to bring it back when deleted

    Hi, I got 3 questions all related to action bar. 1) How do i bring the action bar back once i removed it. 2) Is it possible to link a macro once one of the button in action bar is clicked. 3) I would like to know how to copy the behavior of the save/edit/delete/cancel buttons in the action...
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    How to filter lookup fields

    I have two tables. 1st table, has the following fields: 1) EMP_ID (Autonumber, key generated by Access, which it cannot be removed or change) 2) EMP_USERN - employee username 2nd table, has the following fields: 1) DATA_ID (Autonumber) 2) EMP_USERN - Lookup field to table #1 3) EMP_HOURS -...
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    Autofill - autocomplete controls

    Hi, just a quick question. How to setup a control(texbox or autocomplete or combo box) to auto populate its values base from another control's value. like there's a dependency between controls. -Thanks- Aubrey
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    On Start Macro - Best Practice?

    Hi, I'm in a middle of making our company's time-sheet. wondering what is the best practice when using the On Start Macro? the reason i am asking is, i would like to know what is the best approach in filtering the data base from the user's email address, without affecting the performance...
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    Variables not showing as expected in controls (Access Web App)

    Hi i have this weird problem. The variables i set is not displaying correctly in Access Web Apps, instead it displays the variable name itself. Please see attached. -Thanks- Aubrey
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    Format - Convert a weeknumber+weekday to a proper date format

    Hi, I have a query, that contains the field, weeknumber and weekday value, and year. now i want to convert this values to proper/standard date format. Example: Weeknumber: 19 Weekday: 3 (Tuesday) Year: 2015 Expected Result: May 5, 2015 Thanks in advance. :)
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